Have you Ever Cut?


Pitrus said:
WHy would cutting make u feel better. I think u might be Sadomasohistic or something. I dont kno anybody here could help u with that but a good psychiatrist.

Most people who cut are not Sadomasochistic.. its a form of release and a coping mechasim.. try not to lable people just cos you dont understand the situation :) Cutting actualy releases chemicals like ive said and calm you down... it really is like a drug in a kind of way,Pitrus you should maybe look it up the like science of it.. its not just cos people like to hurt themselves or anything life that.

@Lyn.. I dont know what to say.. i struggled for over 10 years with cutting and i still havnt beaten it totaly.. and yeah cutting is so addictive just like a drug.. you need a bigger "hit" every time which means you will cut worse and worse.theres normaly like a trigger which causes you to cut... mines anger..you need to work on yours and try and find other ways of coping.Is easier said then done tho.. and Pitrus is right.. a proffesional would be the best bet :( ive tried on my own for years and it just got worse and worse.

And Fabolous... :(


OK, thanks danfalc, i appreciate the reply:). I tend to cut on impulse, i do not plan to do it but all of a sudden something will happen and trigger the urge to cut, and i will have no control over it. And i like to talk about it, thats why i joined this forum, yet i cant talk about it with nay of my friends. I feel as if they wont understand and i dont want them to worry and feel bad, or start cutting themselves. At first last year i cut the upper part of my arm, it was very minor and pathetic. But now, my cuts have been moving down my arm and have been getting deppe. People were noticing and asking what happned so i had to stop cutting so much up there and resort to my legs and stomach.


Cutting doesnt matter if you scratch yaself or cut.. its still self harming its not minor or pathetic :( the fact your still doing it despite the instinct of self protection we have means you struggling to cope with whatever feeling or event triggers you.Its good you can talk about it,i always think its nice to know your not the only one.Its probaly not wise to just tell your friends because there not profesionals.. and might find it hard to understand,i could be completley wrong and they would be very understanding and supportive but ive told people and later regreted it.

I dont like to say this.. but its going to get worse :( it really is the nature of self harming.. your body kind of gets use to it.. and you progress to big cuts to release the chemicals more because at the time you feel it helps.Some people cut for attenion.. and i dont mean that in the bad way of them being attenion seekers but that they need help.From what you wrote i can tell ya dont with doing it on impulse and resorting to cutting places most people wont see.I was the same.. at first i cut my hands and arms... but when i started doing it badly and people noticed i switched to my chest and such.But i still think a part of me deep down wanted to like see what i was doing and intervene.. i do think it is also a cry for help,it was in my situatuon anyway.

I think it would really help you if you could get the courage to go to speak to someone about it,often our problems are linked together and i reckon if you worked on this you would notice other aspects of your life improving... i know its hard and i felt shamefull bout it which is why i didnt talk to anyone and still wont.But i did it really badly once deeper than i ment to, which left me hospitilised which scared me from doing it a little.. that and the fact i have many really bad scars put me off,but i hope you can beat this without getting to that point.Maybe you could ring a service which could help... that way if you dont fel comfortable you can simply hang up.

Another thing... this might sound silly... but ive heard people who have the impulse to self harm.. screaming and beating the crap out of pillows..and even pinching themselves and stuff.. id never encourage anyone to hutr emselves but sommat like that would be better than taking a knife to yourself :( The only other thing i can think to add.. is have a first aid kit in your bedroom with anti-septic, bandages and paper stiches..clean and close the wound afterwards to prevent as much scarring as possible.


Well-known member
Spearmint - Is cutting a prelude to suicide? Well.. not exactly. Somebody in here made an excellent post about how cutting makes your brain produce hormones and stuff. But you are right - self-harm doesn't make sense. It's about punishing yourself... subsituing psychical pain with physical... there's more about it... it's complicated.

Lyn - you have to stop doing it. Please, please, Lyn, stop hurting yourself. If you don't stop now, it's going to get worse. And worse. Oh. Is there a way how I could help you? Feel free to contact me.


spearmint- It is a prelude to suicide or what? I remebr reading someones post that made a very good point for this. They said that cutting is the complete opisite of suicide, where cutting is a method used to survive and suicide is a way to end, but then at the same time, isnt that kind of the same thing?

tryin- Thank you for the reply, i try hard to stop it. And when ever i begin to make progress, something will happen and i will cut on impulse, as if i have no control. Im not sure what you can do, but talking about helps me out and makes me feel not so alone. :) i apprciate the fact that you care:)

danfalc- You have been a very big help, and i really appreciate you replying to my posts and giving me advice, and telling me sotries of your pass which relate to mine. Im sorry to hear that you have suffered from problems simlir to mine and i hope that you are working through them ok now:) I agree with you that i might regeret telling my friends, thats why this forums is really helping me and my need to talk to someone.

I can assure you i dont cut for attention, becuase the truth is i dont want anyoen to know and i am doing all i can to hid the cuts so noone will see them. im really glad you understand what kind of feeling i am having and dont think im some overdramtic teenager, it really means alot to me.

My friend found a razor blade in my purse the other day, and i made up so lame excuse why it was in there.. i dont think she belived me but she didnt act on it even if she didnt belive me. I think it scared her, alot. I always need to keep it wiht me at all times, and if i dotn have it i feel unsafe and get extrmely upset. Its terrble.

I will start cleaning my cuts like you said, and i will try to use your pillow method next time, but im not sure i will be able to resist the impulse. Are you steadily improving today? I really hope you are. :)


New member
For me, there is nothing better in this miserable world better than cutting, absolutely nothing. No drug, no person, no experience is better than that burning sensation of feeling the flesh sting like it does after I cut.


LifeInShadows - Like you i also cut myself, But when you say that there is no person or expiernce better than that, i was wondering if there are any peopel in your life that come close to giving you the feeling you get after you cut?


Well-known member
Hey everybody, I just wanted to share a technique that really worked for me. Last year I was in a really bad place and I cut pretty much every day, often more than once a day. It was all about the feeling afterward, and then, (I know this is perverse and weird) I loved to roll up my sleeves and look at my belly in the mirror with all the slashes in it. It somehow made me happy to see what I had done to my body...evidence of my pain? I don't know.
But for me, cutting was about anger. I never learned how to express anger at anyone other than myself. A great way to reduce anger and to stop cutting is to seriously break stuff. :wink: I used to have a piece of ply wood that I would drive nails into every time I got the urge to cut. It became a work of art. You could wrap ice in a towel and pound the crap out of that too. Physical activity is good!
I sometimes use little tiles to make mosaics and breaking those into smaller pieces is a great way to release anger. This really worked for me. Turn it into a project. I am a firm believer that everyone needs a creative outlet. It helps!
This is an addiction, and like anything else it can get worse. Find what's at the root of your cutting and find something healthy to substitute it. If you don't give up, the day will come when you'll look back and wonder why it ever seemed appealing. Just thought I'd put in my two cents.
Good luck! :)


thequietone, thanks for your advice and taking the time to write that. Next time i will try to do that, it seems like it would really help. I really appreciate you trying to help :)


Hiya Lyn

Sorry for the uber late reply ive not been on much and lost tracks of this thread.And im sorry i didnt mean to imply you cut for attenion i can tell by your posts its not that tpye of self harming by the way ya do it in places no one will see and have to make excuses... lol i use to blame mine on the cat when i was younger 8O poor thing was harmless.I do think self harming tho is like a warning we need help and are in trouble thats all i ment. :)

Ive got to admit im not sure understand about having to keep the razor with you but i think that is quite important and means alot... but then again ive always had a liking towards knives and often carry them (oh god i sound like a right physco) for protection and they make me feel safe 2 as ive been jumped before,so maybe i do understand.

And no worries im glad ive helped at least a little and you feel better you have a place you can talk about it,also thanks for the kind things youve said.And yeah i havnt cut for a long time now.. i wouldnt say im beating my problems but im not cutting and thats a start :) It really can be done ive been doing it for maybe 10 years and to the point i need stiches every time (sorry for the details) so never think its hopeless.And easy at it is to give into the impulses you do have control.

If you ever wanna talk to me about this feel free to pm me btw,to be honest im not very good at talking to people or having convo's but i do understand what your going through and if i can help even if its just by listening the offers there.

And lol yeah thequiteone... thats a good post about breaking things... tho i tended to throw my pc chair up the room and stuff to disperse the like rage... and then id be like damm i need a new chair lol.. i didnt have the hindsight to make somthing to break cos the triggers happen randomly.but yeah thats good advice its not the best way to deal with anger but its alot better than self harming.


Well-known member
Descartes said:
Have you ever cut your wrist, arm, stomach, legs, or some other body part intentionally because of depression?

Hi Descartes,

My answer to your question is no...I haven't cut myself even how depressed I am..What I mostly do is that I cry it all out or if possible I will shout it all out to release the tension inside my chest that felt so bad...And after all of that I pray to God for guidance...And at the end of the day, everything became alright.


teddiesgirlfriend :

hellooo, i was readin gyour post and i can deffinatly relate to you, im glad you havnt done it in a whiel tho:0)


ok so really akward situation the other day...

my friends brother noticed the slis across my wirsts.. and actually asked me about that... i had no idea what to say......and no everytime i go over to his house i feel like it just makes it worsee..


Well-known member
Firstly, I know this is a old thread but its a interesting discussion.

I never knew so many people does this, well I knew some people in school/college who had scars but ofc they didnt talk about it.

Personally I have rather bad excema... it prevents me from sleeping, I can't rest even if I'm free of anxieties. On bad week's I cry when I wake because of the pain, in the morning my skin needs a new layer of body cream and it can be extremely painful, cracking open with the slightest movement. I had to be wrapped up in bandages the majority of my life as up to now. And as melodramatic as it is, I am in constant physical pain with cuts/roughness/open wounds/scratching AND then the emotional phobia+depression heh, you could say I don't need to harm myself to feel physical pain.

*shrug* When I feel like doing something in anger I take it out on a punchbag, stand still and rage inside (sort of meditative thing :S) or simply run intill exhaustion. It does the same chem release and feels SO much better after.