HATING.."being on the spot"


Well-known member
I am happy to have this in a way cause it's reassuring to know others are going through the same situations I am...and nice to know I'm not losing my mind!

But at the same time I hope no one goes through what I am, cause it's the worst feeling ever! I would never wish this upon some one else and I hope others don't have to struggle the way i have.

BUT, since I know everyone here is in some way experiencing anxiety::

The WORST things are the little things. It's so aggrivating. Like in class saying "here" when the teacher calls attendance and you KNOW youre next. It's all you can think about.. ANd since you dwell on it so much your voice sounds different than it usually does. (not in a good way!)

One time in a volleyball class last semester we had to check in that day, which was not part of the routine. And within a split second when I heard I was going to have to wait in line and say my last name on call to a coach who I was intimidated by, my body physically felt like it was shutting down. I felt spacey..all i could think about was if i would sound stupid saying my last name. When I got up to the front I said it...he asked for it again cause he couldn't hear. I said it again. He said "are you sick?" ..all I could think to say was .."must be.." I really was sick...physically sick from my anxiety.


Well-known member
I can sympathise with this. It was the same for me when the teachers used to call the names on the register at the start of each lesson., I felt so anxious especially when it was getting nearer to my name!

Typically though, the teachers ALWAYS looked up and said 'is she not here' and then saw I was and gave me a strange glare :(


Well-known member
Wow, I never really thought about this but the same goes for me, lol!Whenever their going through role call I agonize having to say "here" the entire time and my voice will come out very weak once I do.


Well-known member
Reholla it used to happen to me on a regular basis, I would mumble or sound completely incoherent and the teacher would repeat it and say "what did you say?" Then i would shout out "YES IM HERE" and then the teacher would be like "alright, alright, im just asking" lol
Its just a confidence issue and it really has nothing to do with how people think of you. In high school its hard but once your out people seem to more understanding.
If i was in the same class and witnessed that happen to you then I wouldnt think any less of you and id try and help you out by being a friend most likely


Well-known member
Oh man, I remember that, it's so funny to actually be able to talk about something like this. Whenever we had a sub and they would call our names out, I would notice so carefully how close my name was coming and the whole time I was waiting I would hum as quietly as I could just so my voice would be in working order when my turn came. It wouldn't hel with the volume, but at least I wouldn't open my mouth and not be able to even have a sound come out.


I have problems like that..I hate being called on the spot in class to answer a question..i don't want to give a wrong or stupid answer..i also hate the fact everyone is focused on and listening to me..it makes me feel anxious


Well-known member
yea i had that prob too but not in high skool anymore so no more roll call thnk god! But instead i feel like that when they call my name at the doctors, esp when they say the whole name. And then i have to stand up and feel like walking the walk of shame to the doctor's room.


Well-known member
I was the same way.I hated being put on the spot in school.Being the center of attention for everyone.
being invited/ asked out anywhere (especially someones house) freaks me out. thats the worst on the spot thing for me. unless someone said 'tell everyone in the room a joke' then i would dry up and explode.