hate silence


Active member
does anyone else hate being in silence with lots of people?? i hate it because i breath quite loudly due to asthma and have a problem with excess swallowing cos i get so nervous, and i worry that other people can hear and get annoyed by it...


Well-known member
I used to get anxious when there was an awkward silence with me and other people, then i learned that its not always my job to break the silence and make everyone feel easier, there are other people there so let them do it, if they dont mind the silence then neither do i :)


Well-known member
I think silence is only ever awkward if you apply the label "awkward" yourself though. I mean, I'm sure you've been in a situation where things were naturally quiet but you were so wrapped up in thought that you didn't consider the silence to be oppressive. I noticed that myself just now as I took a drive with my dad. I didn't say much, but it was totally okay because we're on a similar level, comfortable, and were probably caught up in our own little mental worlds at the time. That to me says a person is in control, that they can condition themselves to be at ease with silence. As for your breathing and swallowing, well, you're only human. I doubt others perceive it to be any worse than coughing or sneezing for example. SA/SP can really make you paranoid about those sorts of trivialities, though.


Well-known member
I hate silence when I'm in a room with people especially if I don't know them. I feel as if everyone can hear me breathing and swallowing.

I also had a friend in the past who used to phone me up, say "hello" and then say nothing else and expect me to make the conversation!! :lol: I don't miss talking to him - literally! :)


Well-known member
I hate it when the room is silent because i get nervous and strangers would h
ear my stomach growl and it would sound liek i farted but it was actually my stomach. Lmao :lol:

Big issue -_-"