Has therapy helped anyone here?

Has therapy helped anyone here?
I've been seeing a therapist for about a month now ( 4 Sessions )
and i'm questioning is this is really worth the money and time.
I feel so hopeless! I'll never get over these anxieties..


Well-known member
You don't have to pay money to see a therapist if you get on a waiting list at your local mental health services.

Anyway-- it takes alot of time.
Therapy helps some people and not others; but it depends on how invested you are in the therapy- how seriously you take it and if you take the advice your therapist gives you/ does all of the exercises with an open mind and so on.

I was in therapy for 5 months and hardly made it to the root of any of my problems.
Was working on CBT, hasn't done anything for me yet.

My mom was in therapy when I was a child for 3 years and she says it helped her immensely- to deal with her childhood baggage.


Well-known member
personaly for me, it has made no difference in the level of anxiety i feel around people. however, it has helped me better manage the way I tolerate/cope/deal/act on those feelings, makeing these less detrimental on my quality of life.


Active member
I have had about 25 sessions of cbt and it has helped me a lot. After 4 sessions you have probably barely even scratched the surface, I know I hadn't in that amount of time. Stick with it - of course it isn't certain to work for you, but if it did I'm sure your life would be much easier. I have felt like that so many times throughout my treatment, it's such a slow and horrible process that it feels like you're getting nowhere and it's only making things worse but I found it useful to keep referring back to the goals I set at the beginning of therapy on what I wished to get out of it and that helped because I could see I was gradually ticking more things off as time went on.