Only a few tv shows seemed to have been created souly to make art or with alot of sincerety and depth in dialogue and characters and plot, i can name "the sopranos", "six feet under", "Lost" ...there's been some great comedies this decade out of britain and the US had Scrubs, family guy, curb your enthusiasm which is basically seinfeld mark II and cleverly made ..
decent music is out there and has been this decade but hardly any of it gets radioplay where as at least in the 90's "Bur", "The Verve", "nirvana", "pearl jam' name a few were exposed to people on radio atht he very least, ...
now its just matchbox twenty, my chemical romance and crappy beyonce and akon r&b at the forefront, and its really horrible living through this as a music fan ...i can name over 100 bands that should have been huge this decade by being pure and creative without any agenda to fit into a scene or a label ...
why the fudge haven't radiohead, queens of the stone age, mars volta, the avalanches, primal scream, the black keys, beck, the shins, kings of leon, the pipettes, interpol, SPOON, the arcade fire, the strokes, beg waves, sigur ros, british sea power, all these great artists had airplay, its a joke
New Order released a classic pop single (crystal) in 2001, it hardly got any attention at all outside indie cirlces, pathetic ...
REM released accelerate this year, it has 4-5 brilliant catchy tunes and is back to the 80's style songs that are millions times better then the crap that is on the charts, jesse mcartney, what the ? ....
people are fed these standards of tv, of music, ways of thinking through the media outlets, what you should buy, fashion, girls wear this or that make up, advertisements, its the same as these texan televangelists selling their religion on late night television, supermodels looks seem to represent both males and females as being ordinary in.. especially the crime police shows in america and even sitcoms, ever seen "two and a half men"? ...
people are for the most part gullible suckers, and it shows when mediocre standards sell more then genuine quality does ...
There is also a drought when you compare the classic films of the 90's to this decade ...the last couple of years we've had "the departed", "there will be blood", great epic movies well written with engaging dialogue and story .. they are few and far between though