Has pop culture messed with you?


Well-known member
I hardly listen to pop music by choice, I dont watch many TV shows outside of sport and I dont read all those crappy magazines. I tend to prefer Gaming and Movies which arent related to socialising per se.

Maybe we just like to differentiate from other people, but could it be in some instances that we simply don't connect with the things most regular people connect with? Or maybe we can see through all the sludge, and we simply view it as bull. A bit of everything IMO.


Well-known member
Only a few tv shows seemed to have been created souly to make art or with alot of sincerety and depth in dialogue and characters and plot, i can name "the sopranos", "six feet under", "Lost" ...there's been some great comedies this decade out of britain and the US had Scrubs, family guy, curb your enthusiasm which is basically seinfeld mark II and cleverly made ..

decent music is out there and has been this decade but hardly any of it gets radioplay where as at least in the 90's "Bur", "The Verve", "nirvana", "pearl jam' ..to name a few were exposed to people on radio atht he very least, ...

now its just matchbox twenty, my chemical romance and crappy beyonce and akon r&b at the forefront, and its really horrible living through this as a music fan ...i can name over 100 bands that should have been huge this decade by being pure and creative without any agenda to fit into a scene or a label ...

why the fudge haven't radiohead, queens of the stone age, mars volta, the avalanches, primal scream, the black keys, beck, the shins, kings of leon, the pipettes, interpol, SPOON, the arcade fire, the strokes, beg waves, sigur ros, british sea power, all these great artists had airplay, its a joke

New Order released a classic pop single (crystal) in 2001, it hardly got any attention at all outside indie cirlces, pathetic ...

REM released accelerate this year, it has 4-5 brilliant catchy tunes and is back to the 80's style songs that are millions times better then the crap that is on the charts, jesse mcartney, what the ? ....

people are fed these standards of tv, of music, ways of thinking through the media outlets, what you should buy, fashion, girls wear this or that make up, advertisements, its the same as these texan televangelists selling their religion on late night television, supermodels looks seem to represent both males and females as being ordinary in.. especially the crime police shows in america and even sitcoms, ever seen "two and a half men"? ...

people are for the most part gullible suckers, and it shows when mediocre standards sell more then genuine quality does ...

There is also a drought when you compare the classic films of the 90's to this decade ...the last couple of years we've had "the departed", "there will be blood", great epic movies well written with engaging dialogue and story .. they are few and far between though


Victor said:
I can't stand the TV either. I can't stand to watch couples kissing because that reminds me that I have never kissed a girl, let alone watching scenes of sex. Sex is just about everywhere on the media, but there is still a taboo around it in real society further alienating what you can see on TV from what actually happens in the world.
The perfection in actors and actresses pisses me off too, they are just too fake to be credible, but that still affects me and many other people whether they realise it or not. So, I never watch what's on air: I'd rather watch a DVD.

Well said. Especially the "perfection in actors/actresses" because i sit there and think, thats not how normal people look/act. If someone went around like that, most people would hate them lol.

I try not to watch any teen oriented stuff, because all it is is "perfect" people having releationships while fending off demons, monsters etc. Its stupid. Instead of your Rocky, or Terminator, we now have some pathetic teen!

Oh and Josh Hartnett is a crap actor.


Well-known member
Richey said:
Only a few tv shows seemed to have been created souly to make art or with alot of sincerety and depth in dialogue and characters and plot, i can name "the sopranos", "six feet under", "Lost" ...there's been some great comedies this decade out of britain and the US had Scrubs, family guy, curb your enthusiasm which is basically seinfeld mark II and cleverly made ..

decent music is out there and has been this decade but hardly any of it gets radioplay where as at least in the 90's "Bur", "The Verve", "nirvana", "pearl jam' ..to name a few were exposed to people on radio atht he very least, ...

now its just matchbox twenty, my chemical romance and crappy beyonce and akon r&b at the forefront, and its really horrible living through this as a music fan ...i can name over 100 bands that should have been huge this decade by being pure and creative without any agenda to fit into a scene or a label ...

why the fudge haven't radiohead, queens of the stone age, mars volta, the avalanches, primal scream, the black keys, beck, the shins, kings of leon, the pipettes, interpol, SPOON, the arcade fire, the strokes, beg waves, sigur ros, british sea power, all these great artists had airplay, its a joke

New Order released a classic pop single (crystal) in 2001, it hardly got any attention at all outside indie cirlces, pathetic ...

REM released accelerate this year, it has 4-5 brilliant catchy tunes and is back to the 80's style songs that are millions times better then the crap that is on the charts, jesse mcartney, what the ? ....

people are fed these standards of tv, of music, ways of thinking through the media outlets, what you should buy, fashion, girls wear this or that make up, advertisements, its the same as these texan televangelists selling their religion on late night television, supermodels looks seem to represent both males and females as being ordinary in.. especially the crime police shows in america and even sitcoms, ever seen "two and a half men"? ...

people are for the most part gullible suckers, and it shows when mediocre standards sell more then genuine quality does ...

There is also a drought when you compare the classic films of the 90's to this decade ...the last couple of years we've had "the departed", "there will be blood", great epic movies well written with engaging dialogue and story .. they are few and far between though

dude, nicely done. i agree wholeheartedly. whenever i complain about the sad state of the music industry shifting markets to focus solely on 14-year-old girls, my brother and younger friends tell me "You're just getting older."

i wish that was it. i really do.


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Marie_knowsbestt said:
dpr...ur post was well funny. thanks for that mate. and i couldnt agree more, except he's not the nick outa backstreet boys....lol

oh he's not? some boy band though, right? nsync or something? i can't keep them straight cuz they're all the same! lol


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Thelema said:
The only problem with bigger girls is that they have poor body image and if you think you have an ugly body, guys will pick that up and be turned off.

Why is it a turn off to have a poor self body image? If someone like Angelina Jolie didn't like her body would that make her unattractive now because she doesn't like herself?


Well-known member
Bianca said:
Thelema said:
The only problem with bigger girls is that they have poor body image and if you think you have an ugly body, guys will pick that up and be turned off.

Why is it a turn off to have a poor self body image? If someone like Angelina Jolie didn't like her body would that make her unattractive now because she doesn't like herself?

Yeah I think it would, if I knew Angelina Jolie personally. like say she wasn't a movie star, but she was just like my co-worker let's say. I may initially find her attractive, but the way she carried herself would definitely affect if i were more attracted or less attracted. It just happens.

Like if you found someone attractive but then you saw him or her say or do something mean to someone else. You would most likely not be attracted to them anymore, and if you were it may be strictly physical attraction.


Well-known member
dpr said:
Yeah I think it would, if I knew Angelina Jolie personally. like say she wasn't a movie star, but she was just like my co-worker let's say. I may initially find her attractive, but the way she carried herself would definitely affect if i were more attracted or less attracted. It just happens.

Like if you found someone attractive but then you saw him or her say or do something mean to someone else. You would most likely not be attracted to them anymore, and if you were it may be strictly physical attraction.

Its not about whether someone is mean or not, it is about whether someone likes themself and has confidence. All I'm saying is that if Angelina Jolie did not like the way she looked and had low self-confidence then according to this post she would not be attractive anymore. Which I don't agree with. Why is confidence so important for someone to find you attractive. It does not define who you are and how you treat people. You can have low confidence and still be a good person.


Well-known member
Bianca said:
Its not about whether someone is mean or not, it is about whether someone likes themself and has confidence. All I'm saying is that if Angelina Jolie did not like the way she looked and had low self-confidence then according to this post she would not be attractive anymore. Which I don't agree with. Why is confidence so important for someone to find you attractive. It does not define who you are and how you treat people. You can have low confidence and still be a good person.

Well everyone is attracted to different personality traits right?

For me, it IS about whether someone is mean or not. That's a real turnoff for me. And materialistic women bother me too. Enough that their personalities cause me to think they are no longer attractive.

But I was just using the "mean" example as a way of saying that it is how people carry themselves that make them attractive.

Not everyone may find confidence attractive, but I think the majority of people do, for whatever reason. Some people may find a shy person cute, others may find them frustrating. It would affect how attractive they are to other people depending on the other people, ya know?

And you're right in a way, even if I didn't like Angelina Jolie because she was mean or had low self-esteem or whatever, I would still be able to recognize that she has an athletic body, adequately symmetrical face, etc. But if her personality bothered me, I would not be attracted to her.

People's personalities definitely affect how attractive they are to others, IMO.

I think that's why a lot of people stalk celebrities. They see them on the screen and see a beautiful fantasy, because they don't know them personally. If they did, they may realize how boring, mean, stupid, fucked up they really are.


Well-known member
Bianca said:
dpr said:
Yeah I think it would, if I knew Angelina Jolie personally. like say she wasn't a movie star, but she was just like my co-worker let's say. I may initially find her attractive, but the way she carried herself would definitely affect if i were more attracted or less attracted. It just happens.

Like if you found someone attractive but then you saw him or her say or do something mean to someone else. You would most likely not be attracted to them anymore, and if you were it may be strictly physical attraction.

Its not about whether someone is mean or not, it is about whether someone likes themself and has confidence. All I'm saying is that if Angelina Jolie did not like the way she looked and had low self-confidence then according to this post she would not be attractive anymore. Which I don't agree with. Why is confidence so important for someone to find you attractive. It does not define who you are and how you treat people. You can have low confidence and still be a good person.

Women can still look attractive, even if they have a poor body self-image. I don't think that's the point. Many women underestimate their attractiveness, or doubt their beauty sometimes, that's normal. But when a guy has to tell his gf over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again that yes, she's beautiful/pretty/gorgeous etc. and, no matter how much he tells her, she refuses to believe it, or at least refuses to believe that HE believes it, and that he's just telling her to make her feel better or so she stops whining. I guess a guy likes to feel like his reassurance matters to his significant other, and if she persists in making negative comments about her appearance - OR - and probably worse - she won't take him seriously, then the self-image becomes a turnoff.