has my "boyfriend" got OCD/OCPD?

I wouldn't even try to "live up to his expectations" if I were you. OCD or not, he's telling you you're not good enough for him. Don't change your habits or the things that make you an individual for someone like that. Be his friend though, everybody needs a friend :)
i let himno last night that i would be willing to try and live up to these expectations....he text me back saying-just keep in touch.


Well-known member
i let himno last night that i would be willing to try and live up to these expectations....he text me back saying-just keep in touch.

What prevents these expectations from becoming arbitrary and being used as leverage, if they aren't already?
what does that mean-sorry?

sorry-just looked it up-this is something he does feel really strongly about-had i have known this would happen i think i would have been more aware-i mean yes he did remind me of my slipper being on the bed or if a tissue was on the bed-for example but i never realised that it would come to the fact of him not wanting to be with me anymore because of it.
his friend wanted to stay with him for a while but that person is a little bit mesy and he couldnt allow him to stay with him ----i saw this all happening and he discussed it with me but i just never thought i would be one of those people to have him say that to me.


Well-known member
what does that mean-sorry?

Abstract: Lack of reasons, but instead things like "because I said so" justifying "expectations."

Leverage: Using "expectations" as an unreasonable source of control due to the willingness of the other party to put up with it.
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I just think hes being a little less blunt by saying-keep in touch.I honestly think hes made his mind up about me so i dont see that whether i dunk myself in a sheep dip everytime i walk through his front door that itll make a blind bit of diffrence.
Sort of conclusion to the whole thing.Basically i think he was playing mind games with me.yes he has an issue about cleanliness but i saw him at the weekend....without getting too personal i think i just need to try and focus on something else because he is giving me mixed signals


Active member
The touching face part is reasonable. People are supposed to touch their face only if they have washed their hands.