has anyone told their friends they have sp


Well-known member
I have told my my near family and they are very supportive of it. I will be undergoing a diagnosis for it shortly.

As for friends (those who are real friends and not just Hi/hello), they are undersatanding but i dont think they see at as problem for me since i am always happy and joyful around them.


Yea i totally emphathise with everyone on here, its really hard to tell people even when u know them well. i kinda told a friend when drunk once, and its never been mentioned again so i dunno if he just thinks im weird or what. and i wouldnt dream of tellin my family, they really wouldnt understand, as this has gone on for so long they think im just a shy person, and tell me to 'be confident', which just irates me. and i really wanna tell this other friend, especially as when i finally went to the docs the other day and they gave me some propranalol, i was feelin ill for first 2 days cos of the side effects, i just told her i had a bug. i just fear she will think im exaggerating the matter and that i just have a shy personality, but this is not the case! does everyone else feel this way?


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LittleMissScareAll said:
Well I would probably tell them, but there's just 1 tiny problem with that...I have no friends. Except my invisible ones.

lol.. :)


Well-known member
I did tell my best friend but unfortunately he didn't understand after 1 hour of talking and tried to convince me this is just illusions and askemd me to forget the matter

redlady said:
Coldfury wrote:

When I used to have friends I tried to, but they didn't understand and just made fun of me.

That's always the fear isn't it. And that's exactly why i am so selective with who i tell.


Well-known member
I told my mother that I am suffering from shyness. That was about 2 monts ago when I didn't knew about SP. She understood and tryed to be supportive.

Now that I know I have SP I just can't tell anybody. My so called ''friends'', I mean the people i know aren't so supportive and are just looking for another week spot in me to make fun of and bring me down. Just can't stand the embarasment, cause I know how they will react.

My mother can't keep a secret so I might as well keep this thing for myself. The ideea that everyone that knows me will find out and talk about me, I'll just give them another reason to chat and laugh about :evil: ...maybe they'll find me crazy or a schizophrenic or something...so it is out of the question.

But my friend from childhood witch I went to visit today showed very clear signs of SP, definetlly, so I was thinking of teling him about it. I'm sure this would help him so much. He is now in 10th grade, and I want him to find treatment as soon as posible, before he fu*ks up his life too, like me. But I don't know how to tell him, it's a very delicate matter. Any ideas ? :roll:

And 4 of my schoolmates seem to have it too, 3 boys and a girl. I was thinking of writing down this adress on a small sheet of paper and hiding it in they'r schoolbag. It hurts me to see them lonley all the time, cause I know how much suffering SP is causing to them. You're probably asking why aren't we toghether...well...we somehow are, only in class, but we feel and know that we are different and we focus more on being accepted and liked by the ''normal'' people than trying stick with eachother, cause we know that isn't doing us too much good. :cry:


Active member
Got no friends to tell... I wouldn't tell them because if peole know I feel they will analyse your behaviour more which will makethings worse... I would have to be really comfortable with somebody before they know so the only people that know are my mum, sister an girlfriend.


New member
My depression/SP was at its worst in middle school and I really felt like I no one to talk to. One night I cut myself and I got so scared afterwards I just had to go to someone to talk to. So I go to my two best friends and tell them what's going on with me and they basically laugh right in my face. The next day at school they were really immature about it and kept making me show them what I did. They even grabbed my arm so I would show one their friends who apparently had the 'same' problem. I wasn't looking for that, I was looking for them to be there as friends and as someone to talk to. I felt like a joke. I don't really hold grudges but I've never felt the same way about them or people in general. It's been really hard for me to talk about my personal problems ever since. I've told past boyfriends that I have depression so that they would understand why I would act kind of akward sometimes. But I've never really been able to relate with any of my friends.


all my friends/family

I have told mostly all of my friends and my family . I am in no way embarassed by having SA . I just hate the S.A !!! Most of my friends say they can't see it ! But I asure them I am breaking inside most of the time , but I feel relaxed around them and don't usually have any kind of anxiety . I should just start tell strangers , it would be easier !

eg . I aproach the grocery store clerk " Hello how are you "
Hmm I am fine , I have social anxiety and in a second I will start turning really red and sweating like crazy , you might get wet , Oh and I might start to shake a little "

Wouldn't that be a little crazy LOL ....


Well-known member
I now only have 1 friend, however when I first started, uhh, im gunna say suffering, with SP, i had a couple more. I did tell them all, as I learned more about it, I told them more about it. Eventually there was only 1 left....and about 3 years ago, she bailed to. Now I have a Long Distance/Internet best friend, and she does know too, but she's sweet about it and it really doesnt come up that often.


Well-known member
YES....i had to tell my friend after I stood her up one day. she had driven like 2 hrs to see me and I backed out because I couldn't take the stress. I don't even think she knew what it was. most people don't understand the extreme fear of people one feels when they have sa. :oops:
The fear of being judged for everything. Even breathing sometimes is hard. Don't want to disturb the person next to you by breathing too hard!! :!:


Well-known member
I tried to tell my friend the other day. At first it seemed like she was getting it...but she didn't. She actually said something about anxiety being really easy to get over, and that anyone can do it if they want to... which made me very upset, but I know that she's never felt this (she's very outgoing), so she just doesn't have a point of refference. I think that sometimes its best to be protective about SA, if you know a person might not help the situation. That's why I'm showing up here, to say what's on my mind where people will get it.


First thing I did was tell some of my friends, the four people I can tell anything to. I must have really good friends. They just accepted it, and it's come up in conversation a few times since, because they know things aren't always great with me, but not often because they don't like to pry, and I've often felt quite ashamed of it.

But another friend I told, I don't seem to see much anymore. I don't know why exactly, but maybe he just didn't want to have anything to do with this person who's got this problem that he really doesn't understand.

I think that's one of the really bad things. It would feel better if I felt I could tell people and they might accept it, or try to understand. After all, everyone knows what a fear of flying or snakes is, so why won't they accept this too?


New member
My boyfriend has SA as well, but other than him ive told one of my friends and my ex boyfriend (whos close friends with my current boyfriend). it's hard to do, especially since its a hard thing to explain.


Active member
I lost all my friends that i had thanks to sp.I never knew what my problem
was untill just a couple of months ago and, by then i didn't have any friends
left :(


Well-known member
a couple of my friends know. it's really on an need to know basis. I don't really see any need for just telling everyone. unless they become close to me. I know they may not understand it. or tell me it's all in my head. but it's for my own benefit. when i tell people. it's like getting it off my chest. and putting it out in the open. For me there's no need to be ashamed of things. and lying about it. would eventually bite me in the ass. so i let people know that need to.

it's been good with my friends. they know, and sorta understand. so they are cool if i ever need to jolt out of somewhere.


Well-known member
I told the one person I thought might become a friend...and they was a mistake. People just don't seem to understand what SA is.. Tt's not just being a little shy. And it's not goig to be solved by just throwing you in a crowded room with a bunch of people you down't know.. :x


Only two friends know

My boyfriend know and one of my friends knows ( I only have one friend). The only reason I told them is because they might have mental issues worse then mine.


Well-known member
Awkwardgirl said:
I lost all my friends that i had thanks to sp.I never knew what my problem
was untill just a couple of months ago and, by then i didn't have any friends
left :(

I know how you feel. I had friends one year ago, from childhood, not much, about 5 of them, from witch i was best friend with one, and i was his best friend too (wonderfull feeling).

Now that I moved and met new people I can't make friends, I've been trying for an year and still nothing.

And about the topic, I told one of the girls I talk to on yahoo messenger, and she seems to understand, good thing she is in another city cause I told her I like her and she told me that she likes me too and sees me more than just a friend :lol:

And Yesterday I told my mother cause I couldn't explain what were the meds for (I couldn't keep them hidden) and told her that is she says a word to anybody i'll k*ll myself. She still doesn't understand and thinks I am just a shy boy, but she tries to be supportive. :?


I haven't , because any friends I had, I have alienated so long ago, before I realized what was wrong with me. I did try to discuss it with my husband but he thinks it's a bunch of you know. He's not the most social person either, but his life hasn't been on hold like mine is. I have been called syuck up. anti-social. etc etc. If only those people knew the truth , and the horrible stress and sleepless nights i endure when I even think about a social gathering/event I will need to attend.