Has anyone ever looked at you like..


Well-known member
"I know you have SA." Or something along those lines.. in their head? It would be nice to read people but it's probably better not to know. It's annoying! :mad:


Well-known member
Haha, ya most of time but i doubt they know whats SA, i just think they know i am freeking out with fear.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I've always gotten what I call the "scarecrow effect" from people.

I look like this big tough guy, so at first most people physically avoid me.

Then they realize I'm nervous and sense what they perceive I guess as me being afraid of them personally.

Then they realize there's nothing to worry about and write me-off as being weird and pitiful and harmless.

And then it's like I'm not even there taking-up space. They're perched all around me, talking loud, cutting in front of me in-line, invading my personal space, whatever. Ha Ha


Active member
To be completely honest I think that what any of us thinks we see other people see us as, is really only what we think other people are percieving. Most of the time when I think im getting dirty looks or awkward looks its really just me focusing too much on other people. And besides growing my hair out catches a lot of attention for some reason..(its almost down to my ass now lolz)


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Yeah, a whacked-out perception doesn't help matters.

I know that a lot of times I'm exaggerating what I'm picking-up on, or creating something that may not even be there at all.


Well-known member
Yeah, a whacked-out perception doesn't help matters.

I know that a lot of times I'm exaggerating what I'm picking-up on, or creating something that may not even be there at all.
yeah I get that. I remind myself that other people have much more important things to think about than little 'ol me!
I get told I appear stand offish, independent & scary. Which is really weird considering I'm normally standing there trying really hard not to run away!
I guess a life time of hiding becomes the natural appearance