Has anyone been on accutane? Did it work??


Well-known member
I think i need to use it soon
because this doxycycline pill
plus benzoyl peroxide stuff isnt working
its been a while
and i have really bad scars


Well-known member
It will most likely kill your acne faster than you can imagine. But it's a very strong drug with a lot of side effects, so if you dosage is high it could be troublesome.


Well-known member
is it bad for ppl with depression to take

i mean, it'll probably be good for my depression if my acne completely clears up

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I am curious about accutane, but I have heard the side effects are terrible. Seems risky for someone with depression to take as suicidal ideation is one of those possible side-effects. It is something to discuss with your doctor.


Well-known member
I was put on Accutane in the early '90's by my dermatologist because I would get really bad acne cysts. I have oily skin and it was the only time in my life when my skin was normal (although I had dry lips)! Wish I could have stayed on Accutane forever, but it does have some very bad side effects if taken for more than two months (if I remember correctly). It's very drying for people who have normal or dry skin too. It did pretty much permanently cure me of the bad cysts though! I'd still get a zit here or there, but not the really bad cysts and my skin was pretty clear (although still oily) after taking it. And now that I'm older, I rarely get zits anymore! If only they could make a pill to stop the oilies! :sad:


Well-known member
I was on accutane earlier this year for four months after several failed medications. I can say that yes it has worked for me and my skin is free from acne now (although I'm left with a lot of purple scars which will heal in time).

Everybody is different so I carn't say how you'll react on it. For me, My skin went extremely dry and red for the four months and made the acne worse at first (which is normal). It also made me feel really tired all the time. But long-term its better to suffer for a few months if it means clear skin and less scars.

Apparently, accutane can cause depression or worsen it. This was something I spoke to my dermatologist about as i was concerned it would worsen my anxiety. She said that there was actually no scientific evidence to prove that accutane causes depression. In fact it's difficult to prove, as people who's acne is at a level which requires accutane are usually depressed about the way they look.

Just remember to expect it to get worse before it gets better.


Well-known member
It worked for me,cleared my skin.
I don't think it had any effect on my depression,but it might have different psychological effects on different people.