Harry Potter Anyone?


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I was wondering if anyone here likes Harry potter. Cause ive already read all the books but i have no one to talk about them with and its really annoying.

So, anyone...anyone???


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Feel free to talk to me (pm me if you like).

I posted a thread about the last book a few months ago and unfortunately it only got one reply.


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woo hoo, two harry potter fans!!!! :D since theres 3 of us fans here maybe we can keep it in a thread.

sooo, what did you guys think about the last book? i have to say that i was a little disappointed. i wanted to know more about their lives after hogwarts and stuff. like what happend to the Dursleys? i wanna know if harry still speaks with theml. and i was sad about the people and animals and elf who died. i was very suprised and shocked when Hedwig died, that was horrible! i didnt see it coming at all. and doby too, that was sad. do you guys feel like she left out a lot of stuff? im still craving for more...i need answers!!
i did hear that she has answered some questions like that but im too lazy to look for them.


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I loved the last book, especially the passage where he is walking to the forbidden forest with the visions of his partents and other people have died on his journey. It was sooo sad that moment that I had tears in my eyes... and the moments afterwards, when Hagrid is carrying him back =(. What was your favorite moment in the book?... or even the series!

Yeah I agree, the book did leave a lot of loose ends. From her interviews though, Neville Longbottom is now a professor at Hogwarts, so I'm guessing everything went back to normal after Voldemort fell. As for the Dursleys, they left off on a pretty positive note. I would say that they are on speaking terms, but Harry would never be able to fully forgive them. JK Rowling said that she left the ending vague on purpose... otherwise it would have seemed too neat.

Actually, that's funny how you mention the death of Hedwig and Dobby the house elf. I found on forums and stuff that more people felt sympathy for them than the witchs/wizards that died in the book. It was really sad those deaths. I wish they had found Hedwig's body and given them a proper send off... I still feel the death of Dumbledore in the half blood prince was the saddest death of them all.

Here's a link to the interview that JK Rowling did on the last book:


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I would of liked Hogwarts to have featured more heavily rather than just the last few chapters. The body count was much higher than expected (poor Dobby and Hedwig :( ). At times, it almost seemed that JK Rowling was killing people off just for the sake of it. Like you said SleepingBeauty, I wanted to know more about what happened after Hogwarts.

I liked the way Harry had so many near misses/ escapes. As Professor Snape is my fav character in the films, I was glad that he turned out to be good, albeit, he ended up dying as well. Can't wait for the Battle of Hogwarts to appear on screen.

Overall despite a few reservations, I think she did a good job of concluding the series.


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ya i think overall she did do a pretty good job. and im trying to think of which book is my favourite. i think its the Goblet of Fire. I just loved reading the part where harry meets voldemort at the graveyard and that thing happend with their wands. i totally got the chills when i was reading it. i was like this... 8O

and ya it was horrible when Dumbledore died. i thought maybe he didnt really die and JK Rowling would bring him back in the next book. but she just brought the dead dumbledore back :(
and i was totally surprised when snape turned out to be a good guy. i loved that chapter. he always seemed like he really hated harry, but i guess he did care for him. and harry even named one of his kids after him. how sweat. :p

and i found these things on youtube. there assholes telling people what happend in the last book before they got a chance to read it themselves.
i hate to say it, but i found them a little funny. but i do feel bad for someone of them. and not all of them are true. they were just making stuff up. just watch...


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL5NltsDWX8 that one is real


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Yup, the wand scene from the movie, Goblet of Fire, was so well done too. Just like I had imagined it in my head.

JK said in her interview that the people she killed off in her books were pretty much set in stone as soon as she finished the first book. So it wasn't like a whimsical killing of characters, but that doesn't make it any less sad. Maybe except for Arthur Weasly that is.

Snape was a real anti-hero. I had an inkling when reading it that Snape would turn out to be Dumbledores man after all, even when he killed Dumbledore in the tower. It's hard to imagine the type of self-sacrifice involved in doing something like that for the greater good... that makes him that much more respectable.

Those guys in the youtube videos are idiots. They probably lack the emotional and imaginative depth (with maybe a hint of illiteracy) to enjoy Harry Potter, so they have to ruin it for everybody else.


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I hadn't finished reading the last book and I couldn't help but read part of a comment on Youtube. Fortunately though the comment was only that Voldemort gets killed, which would of been fairly obvious.

Do you think the films do the books justice?

I remember watching the Prisoner of Azkaban and at the time, I hadn't read any of the books. I have to say that the scenes in the Shrieking Shack left me pretty confused at the time. On the whole though, I really enjoy the films, but it's a shame that so much has to be left out. It would be interesting to see the subplots e.g. Hermione's S.P.E.W campaign.


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I dont like the movies as much as i love the books. i like the first 2 movies, and maybe the third one, but all the rest suck because they change things and it pisses me off. And ya I wish they did show some SPEW in the movie. i mean i havent seen the movie yet but i heard its not in there.
but no, the films deffinently dont do the books justice. not in my opinion anyways.

i wanted to know, how long did it take the rest of you to read all the books? if you can remember. all the books, except the last, took me FOREVER to read. Like months. But it took me only 3 days to read the last book cause i was so damn excited. You shouldve seen me. I was waiting for the mail man to come and bring the book on the day it came out. and i saw him and he put the book in the mailbox and i was kinda just staring at my mailbox from inside my house. Well you know, since i have stupid social phobia i always avoided going to get the mail cause it was a couple houses down. but i got up the courage to get it like 30 mins later and i just couldnt put it down!
But I regret reading it so fast cause that was the VERY LAST BOOK! i really shouldve taken my time and enjoyed it more. but oh well. hehe


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When I get a book, I usually flip through it to see how many pages it has... I acidentally flipped to the "epilogue" bit. In the American version, its called the epilogue, but in the British/Australian version from Bloomsbury, it's just titled "19 years later"... which really pissed me off, because that had to mean that Harry survived. It kind of ruined it a little for me.

I reckeon the films are great, but the books are much better. There's just more you can do in a book compared to a film because the reader is using their imaginations... in movies, its all visual and special effects. I agree, if you didn't read the books before seeing the movies, especially the first few movies where all the characters are new, you'd be pretty confused. But there's bound to be bits and pieces that are excluded from the movies. I think the whole SPEW thing would have been nice to have in the movie too... it's good for character building. I think the movie makes Hermione look a lot less nerdish and reserved than she really is in the book.

All of the books, I read really quickly, maybe a week or so for each book. The last book, I finished in 5 days. I didn't start reading them until book 3 was released though.

Have you guys re-read the books before? How many times? lol... I've read them about 12 or 13 times now.


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I've only read the books just the once. The earlier books tended to take me a couple of days, where as the later ones (due to their size), took me about a week.

How did you get into HP?

I'd encountered so much hype about him that I was initially put off, but by chance, someone lent me the video of the first film one afternoon, and from that point onward I was completely hooked.


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ive only read the books once. its hard to read them again knowing whats going to happen.

and i know that i wasnt a fan from the beginning. my mom was. she LOVED the books. i thought they were stupid. i think i started getting into them before the first movie was made. i just decided to read the book one day and i fell in love with it.

and i have some news. i dont know if any of you know this, but i just found out that Dumbledore is gay! i was shocked when i read this. i really thought he and Mcgonagall had a little thing going on. but i guess i was wrong. in the article it says he was in love with the dark wizard Grindelwald. But i cant even remember who Grindlewald is! bad memory. im just shocked. but i wanna say, i dont have anything against gay people, im just surprised that DUMBLEDORE is gay. i never saw that coming.

heres the link to the story:

i found the link on HPANA.com so i know it cant be a fake story


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ok, i just wanted to update and say i know who Grindelwald is now. i looked him up on wikipedia and it refreshed my memory. and now i realize he was a big part of that book lol. so i feel dumb for not remembering him before.

i knew i read that book too fast!


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It's a bit of a funny story... how i got into Harry Potter. I was waiting for my high school results to come out, and I was bored and anxious, so I borrowed the first book from my brother, and it grew on me from there. Now I'm obsessed with it lol.

Yup it was a bit of a shock when I first heard that Dumbledore was gay, but that doesn't make him any less of a wizard. In fact, its quite inspiring that he didn't let it get in the way of his life, or limit his love towards others. I think looking back at it, if JK Rowling had explicitly explored Dumbledore's homosexuality, it would ruin the magic and mystery of the stories. At the end of the day, it's how you interperet the books... and I still think Dumbledore is the most amazing character in the series.

Yup Grindelwald was Dumbledore's childhood friend, and apparently his childhood love as well.


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of course, i dont think it changes the way i feel about Dumbledore at all. its fine with me. itll just take a little to get used to i guess. but i am sorta glad that Rowling didnt put in any of the books that he was gay. just because i think that mightve caught my attention more then the rest of the book and i wouldve just focused on that. but im glad i know now.

and ya i do read fanfics. well i used to anyways. a few years ago i would spend like 8 hours on the computer reading them. ive been trying to find some good ones. i usually go on FanFiction.com or schnoogle.com heard of them?


*raises hand* another Harry Potter fan/Potterholic here :D

I'm really happy about the fact that Dumbledore is gay. I don't know why, but when I first read about it, I felt kind of... I don't know... proud? Unlike my friend who seemed to be upset about it (yes, she is a big fan too), I just went "awww :D ".

SleepingBeauty, I agree that it was a good thing it was not mentioned in the book. First of all I think there would be an unesseccary amount of deabating/arguing going on with fans and in the media (in stead of focusing on the actual book), and secondly as you said, it might have taken away some of the excitement of the rest of the book. Aaand, thirdly, as JK said; Dumbledores sexuality has nothing whatsoever to do with the plot :lol:

This just made me love Dumbledore even more :mrgreen:


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Which actor do you prefer playing the part of Dumbledore in the films- Richard Harris or Michael Gambon?

I think they both play it well, but my definite favourite is Richard Harris. After reading the books, his portrayal of Dumbledore was more what I expected the character to be like on screen. He had a certain stature about him. Michael Gambon's portrayal doesn't feel right at times, albeit, there is a lot more energy to him (and hence might be suited better to the few battle scenes Dumbledore's involved in).


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Yup I agree, Richard Harris had the right balance in the movies. He's what I had always imagined he looked like in the books. Michael Gambon makes Dumbledore look more of a looney.