

Well-known member
I've noticed a lot of people, certainly not limited only to those who have mental health issues, suffer with feelings that they're inadequate or their lives are not "going anywhere" because they either have no goals which the want to reach or they are unable to reach their goals. Therefore they feel that they don't "measure up" and are worthless.

I just feel that it must be said that achievements in life are not important. It's very true that society focuses on what we have outwardly - what job we have, how much money, items we posses, whether we have the best phone or the best car etc. but these things do not make a person happy. Indeed, the pursuit of these things above those which do matter end up making many people deeply unhappy.

The only goal in life is to be happy and if possible to make others happy. Why be a slave to what society tells us? Why dream up goals which would never be your goal if you were free of the constraints of society? Why worry about the fact you do not have goals? Why confine yourself when you can be mentally free?

As long as you have the means to live with no pressing hardships, why does anything else matter besides being the best person you can be? Life is not a journey from A to B with B being all important. Life is a journey of exploration. Go where the feeling takes you. Enjoy your time here. Don't waste it climbing up a ladder to reach a goal that is ultimately unfulfilling.

Modern society places so much emphasis on trivial, worthless things and people are more unhappy now than ever before because they're trapped in the idea that they have to "succeed". People who have less and realise that less can in fact, be better are happier. I don't care in the least about having the latest things or being fashionable or having a job title which makes people go "wow" and I am probably happier than many people who are well off monetarily, who have the "best" of everything etc, because I realise what is actually important in life. Yes, things bring me down - usually connected to the unhappiness in the world, sometimes to do with personal loneliness, but my life, I wouldn't change. There is nothing I want... Except perhaps to improve myself in the ways which do matter. I would like to be more loving and patient, more open and compassionate. I would like to make a difference to this world - not for any personal recognition - indeed, I would rather not be recognised - but to improve the lives of people and animals on this planet.

I've always been this way - when I was 6 or 7 my mother told me to look through a catalogue and pick out anything I wanted to go with the one thing I had already chosen (a typewriter so I could type stories)... I looked at all the toys and realised I didn't want anything. Anything I would have chosen would have been just for the sake of it, so I chose nothing, much to her surprise. I fear that most people very early on get trapped in believing that they actually want all the rubbish because, after all, doesn't everyone else? There must be something good about it if everyone else thinks so... But I don't think this is how people would naturally be... Certainly, it is a modern phenomenon to be as materialistic as we are now.

If someone offered me the chance to be rich, the only reason for me to accept it would be so that I could use the money to help others to be happy and to ease suffering. There is literally nothing I want for myself other than a few minor things which help to bring me happiness, notably music by my favourite bands.

I've had marvelous "spiritual" experiences where I've felt completely connected to the universe and have felt nothing but love... Felt it flowing around me and through me... I wish everyone could feel like that from time to time - it may just help the world a little.

Love, friendship, compassion and truth are the things which matter!

Don't live hoping for happiness in the future - work on happiness now. Don't be trapped, be free!

I leave you with a short video:

Music and Life - Alan Watts - YouTube
GREAT post. You nailed it!!! :applause: :thumbup: :perfect: :bigsmile:

Also, i think that Alan Watts guy has some really good videos about life & hapiness .. might be worth checking some of them out...