Hanging with shy or talkative person


Well-known member
Would you feel more uncomfortable with hanging out with a more talkative/outgoing person -or- a more introverted, quiet person? I can see the pros and cons for both.

My last few BFs have been pretty talkative, outgoing, and at ease with communication.

There are a couple people that I have been talking to through text/IM that I plan to meet soon. I hope (if I don't chicken out.) They are kind of quiet natured. So, I worry if this will lead to some akwardness. But, then again, maybe it will be better - somehow.

I don't know. What have you personally experienced?
Talkative people definately I think, if I have someone to bounce off I'm fine. You don't need to worry about thinking 'what do I say'. Although with a shy person I can feel more in control and confident myself the conversation doesn't seem to flow as easily.


Well-known member
talkative people who are understanding are best I think. or quiet people who you share interests with are ok too.

I cant get along with people who are extremely silent because then we just dont talk. this happened with one of my friends the other day, we went to see a movie, the car ride there and back had like no conversation and was really really awkward

but one-on-one w/ talkative people I can hold my own. if they understand that im quiet and they accept it rather than hold it against me im alright. or if someone is quiet but can hold a conversation with i probably like that the best.


Well-known member
Depends. I usually like hanging with people who are sort of weird, offbeat. I mean a shy, quiet person can still be interesting as well as a talkative person. But there can be boring people who are shy and boring people who talk too much.


Well-known member
I prefer hanging out with talkative people. You don't have to worry so much about awkward silences because the other person will usually fill them. They do tend to take over a bit though. A couple of years ago I bumped into an acquaintance I hadn't seen for a while. My SA had improved since the last time I saw her so I felt more comfortable speaking to her. The funny thing was, it was so difficult to get a word in edgeways and I never even realised it until then because last time I saw her it was so hard to talk anyway.


Well-known member
I really like to hang out with shy people cause I somehow don't find them intimidating and I know how they feel and they are more pleasant. I don't mind haning with someone really talkative though that does all the talking and doesnt mind that you only add comments to what he or she is saying. It's just the very cool, conceited, stuck up, super popular, intimidating people i don't like to hang out with lol.


i find that most of my friends and family are all really outgoing ppl

i think that most ppl i am attracted to are more outgoing maybe because in someway they have a lot of traits that i wish i had and think that by being around them i might come out of my shell a bit

but that has yet to happen :D

i dont think i have met anyone quite as bad as me or maybe i have but i am so focused all the time on how i feel that i dont even notice

it would be nice to meet someone who i know has sp and is open about it


Well-known member
I dont like talkative people, they intimidate me! When im around someone whos quiet and stuff it actually makes me more confident and it makes me talk more.

And plus when you first start talking to someone whos shy, they wont always be like that. They will most likely open up more once they get to know you better. Well thats if they like you. lol