Hand Help


I've gone through really bad periods over the years, but have overcome the majority of problems...with the exception of one. I think my hands have been dried out with constant hand washing so many times, that they won't go back to normal. It seems as if one 10 second wash dries out my hands incredibly where they are raw for the rest of the day. I try to put on some lotion as often as possible, but that doesn't seem to help. In high school, people would notice my red hands all the time and with starting college, I don't want that to happen again. I've worked so hard to overcome many obstacles, but my red hands are noticeable to everyone. Does anyone have any tips to restoring raw cracked hands after years of excessive hand washing?


Well-known member
It depends what kind of soap you use too, some are worse then others, might take a bit of experimenting - I like coconut or honey-based soaps.. (often they say they are 'for sensitive hands'..)
Palmolive brand soaps can be okay too.. (some of them at least)

I just use some Nivea hand cream sometimes.. (Never had much luck with lotions..) You may also experiment with real cream (from milk) sometimes..

The most important is to just wash hands less then, or just not use soap when washing.. I can sometimes get myself to just wash with water and dry with a towel (have a soft towel ideally too), and my mind thinks it's okay-ish too.. So you might try that too? The water and the towel can remove many germs etc anyway!!
(Use this with common sense though, depending what you've touched etc)


Try your doctor for this. I had a similar problem and my doctor prescribed me a special cream. It might be different creams in USA (I assume you live in the states) then what we have here in Scandinavia. In addition I was prescribes hydrocortison. I used to get very red and dry hands all the way up to my elbows (yes, I wash my hands all the way up to my elbows:)) The more "fatty" the cream the better the effect. As for soap, go for the organic stuff.....Jason etc. They have less chemical ingredients. (This coming from a person who used to wash her hands with bleach when it was really bad).