Hallo :3


New member
Hi 8)

My name's Daisy also known as digi, i'm 19 years old and live with just my mum and younger brother aka parents are seprated, my dad is remarried and lives in the states with his wife and my half brother.

I have been bullied form the age of 5-6 years old and to this day still am, unfortuntly there is nothing I can do as it is everywhere I go to stop this i would have to move away which I can't do just yet.

I suffer Anixety attacks and have a massive fear of people particually teenagers. As a kid I would always hide myself under tables or behind bins away from other people.

I am cotent with my life though at times I am often depressed but i soon get over thanks to my only true friend who's also my guardian.

If you haden't guessed my guardian is my dog (the one in my avatar) he comes with me everywhere and helps me out alot, it's so true that dogs can be helpful. he is a 2 year old english springer spaniel male and i'd be lost without him.

I also have Six rats at the moment and One Giant cat the height of a jack russel :lol:

I'm not a very social person but I do like to talk so thought i'd try and come here because I know i'm not the only person who suffers these problems :D



Well-known member
Hello Digi, welcome to SPW :D

I'm sorry you're being bullied and have been for the vast majority of your life.

Your dog is absolutely gorgeous! :D I adore dogs lol. I've got two of them, they are indeed the truest friends a person can have. You can't trust (most) people, but a dog you can lol.

Anyway, welcome! :D


New member
Hi thankyou :D

Yes it is something I can never understand as to why so young and has lasted so long. :?

Thankies, aww yes I adore dogs myself I'm a big animal lover. Dogs truley are great friends because they don't spread rumours or leave you for the stupidest thing. :D

thankies again <3


Hiya Digi,

Like you I am new here, and like others have I extend the same welcome to this forum as they did me

I have an Aussie / Border collie cross and he is a great friend.

look forward to chatting to you in the future =p