Habits that may relate to anxiety


Well-known member
I don't remember the last time I cut my nails. I rip them instead. I've been doing this for years. I also pick at scabs, have been doing so for years, and never thought much of it. I decided to google these things today, and it apparently has something to do with anxiety and nervousness. It's a compulsion of sorts.

Some others are nail-biting, and biting the insides of your cheeks. A while back I noticed what looks like scar tissue on the insides of my cheeks. I'm wondering if I had the cheek-biting habit as a child. I don't really remember biting them.

Does anyone else have similar compulsions/habits?
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I've never bitten my nails, but I used to bite at the skin around my nails when I was younger. I also bite my lips- but I'm not sure if it's anxiety related, mostly I do it without even thinking about it.


Well-known member
I bite my nails constantly. Like way too much and it makes my fingers look bad and that increases my anxiety. I also picked at my zits quite a bit when I was a teenager.


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I chew and pick at the skin around my nails, to the point where OCD comes in and everything has to be even. Pick at and chew the skin on my lips, constantly fussing with my clothes and my glasses, and I fidget to the point where people think I'm tweaking out.

But, I've overcome smoking (tobacco and pot), drinking, and scratching my wrists. So I take my victories ^_^


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I bite and rip my nails off to trim them. I don't think this necessarily has to do with anxiety. I did it before I was anxious. Though I do tend to chew off the outer layer of skin in my mouth to inflict canker sores. Also bite and rip pieces from them to make them worse. Then tongue at them to make it sting a little. I figure most people do that though.


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I pop zits a lot.::eek:: I guess I have moderate acne. Sometimes I get the larger, obvious ones here and there, but mostly I just have greasy skin. Sometimes I can just squeeze an area of my skin and pus comes out of all the pores there. =S If I have any of the more noticaeble pimples I HAVE to pop them and it drives me crazy if I don't. I hate when they're stubborn and don't want to pop. Sometimes I'll spend long periods of time in the bathroom popping zits. Keeps me up too late at night sometimes. I'm not sure if anyone is gonna know what I'm talking about, but sometimes I get these pimples that are like a gel-like ball of pus protruding above the skin and I will actually try and pluck those ones with tweezers. They're difficult to grasp sometimes and I usually end up damaging the skin around them, but it's ssooooo satisfying when I finally do pluck one and this chunk of pus comes out from the root. Now and then I'll give up on a pimple that just doesn't wanna pop, but that's only after it's driven me nuts for a long time, and even then, it usually scabs over and I'll just end up ripping the scab off a couple of days later and trying again. (For the record, I've been using Proactiv Solution for a while now and although it does help, I haven't seen a real significant improvement. I can't really claim it doesn't work. I think it's partly due to my popping and picking, but also I'm too damn lazy to use it twice everyday, despite the fact I waste so much time picking.:rolleyes:) Also, I pluck my eyebrows a lot. They're not to a point where I have to pencil them in though. I'm not high maintenance at all. I just want them to look even and I can't stand the stubble. I'd hate to pluck them down to nothing like some women do, but I do have to get rid of all the stray hairs just so they look even. I have dirty blond hair but the thing is my eyebrows have quite a few hairs that are noticeably lighter or darker, at least up close, and they drive me nuts. I'm like, ooh, there's a dark one. *Pluck* Ooh, there's a white one! *Pluck* etc. etc. Then as soon as they start to grow back, they bug the hell outta me. I try to pluck the shortest, tiniest hairs and they're so hard to grab. Then I just end up ripping the skin before I actually a get hold of the hair and rip it out. Often, once I do get it out I'll find a big chunk of pus surrounding the hair. It's like, oh, no wonder it was so hard to pull out. But like the pimples, its such a relief when I finally do pull out the stubborn ones. I think the harder it is to pluck, the more I want to. And again, sometimes it really is too soon to pluck a hair and I'll give up. But then, it scabs over after I've ripped up the skin so then the hair grows underneath the scab for a couple of a days and once I pick the scab off I can pluck the hair pretty easy. But the skin around my eyebrows gets kinda scarred up from it too. I end up with little pink spots where all the scabs are. And sometimes the pores that I've plucked hairs out of, especially where I've been trying at it for a while, end up turning into pimples so it's double whammy. I actually have tweezers worth about $22 just because I needed a good pair that would grab the tiny hairs more easily. Not too long ago, I managed to go almost 3 weeks without plucking my eyebrows. I don't know how I pulled that off. I had no intentions of quitting the plucking altogether. I just wanted to let the hairs grow back a little and let the skin heal so I could sorta start fresh. I went ahead and plucked them a day or two before I had a wedding to go to because they looked awful and that was ssooo relieving. It was really driving me crazy. I was feeling a little tense at times because I wanted to pluck so badly but I fought it. I had to resort to plucking leg hairs just to satisfy my urge to pluck. =S Not my whole legs though. Just a few hairs. It's not the first time I've done that either. Sometimes I'll just look at my legs and notice a particularly dark hair or something that I just have to pluck. Or I'll spot a few really short stubbly hairs and pluck them. Even if I've been lazy and haven't shaved in a few days, it's the really short ones that usually annoy me and get plucked. Sometimes I'll just start plucking a few random legs hairs and I'm not even sure why some are more tempting to pluck than others. I dunno. I must be pretty weird.:rolleyes: ...Wow, that was a long rant!:eek:


Well-known member
Ya my nervous habit is spinning a lighter in my fingers. I have been doing that for 6 years. I know thats really weird. Anybody else do that? hahaha

Lol me too. I used to be good at rolling coins over my fingers and started doing it with pencils and stuff. When I was smoking I did it with it a lighter. Now I just don't have a need for a lighter anymore.