Greetings from Mars


New member
aka my bedroom (there's no life here!)

So I'm 25, I've been shy/socially anxious ever since I can remember. I'm an only child, which I can totally blame on my parents, but I'm kind of bored with excuses and want to kick this social anxiety thing's ass at this point. So I'm committed to doing whatever it takes.

I just started grad school. Dealing with new people sucks. I'm good with people I get to know for a while, and I'm okay with meeting totally random strangers who I might never see again. It's people that I see semi-regularly but don't have much of a bond with that make me really nervous. I never know what to say to continue a conversation. I'm definitely overly self-critical.

Anyway, I almost didn't write this message or join this forum, but I finally decided it was time to take the plunge. Look forward to talking to you all! Hopefully.


Welcome, fellow newcomer!
I just started at a new school too. I already know it's better than my last one (where I was bullied because they thought I was gay, but I wasn't), but it's still difficult for me to get to know people.
My brother challenged me to talk to at least one stranger every day, and it kind of works.


Well-known member
Hi, and welcome. You did the right thing by joining this forum =] it's a very helpful, yet comfortably small place