Greetings from Atlanta


New member
Hi! I am hoping to discover some insight into why I have become so socially awkward and perhaps maybe a way out of this isolation I find myself in. Making friends is exceedingly difficult for me. I have no idea how to talk to people I do not know. I ironic thing is, I must talk to people I don't know all day long to do my job and have no problem with it. I am a nice person, am told by the people I do know that I am friendly, funny, etc.... I just don't know what the deal is! Thoughts?



Well-known member
Yep I have this to. It sucks.
Atlanta hey? Isn't that where the walking dead is filmed? Favourite show :)


New member
Some, yes. Most of the filming takes place south of town. The scene where Otis dies was filmed at the school across the street from my folks house.
Greetings from 200 miles due North of Atlanta! I'd say most people on SPW have that problem with talking to people. Welcome to the forum.


Well-known member
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I've never been to Atlanta.

Sorry to hear about your zombie problem.
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