Well-known member
I got in trouble for drinking when I was 19 over a year ago, I did 10 hours of community service and paid 500 already and went to jail twice over 1 beer, but becuase I didn't pay on time the real criminals are giving me 60 hours more of community service, so let's see 70 hours of community service total, 2 trips to jail, 1 drug and alcohol class, and 500 dollars for 1 single beer, not to mention the cop who arrested me said he would taze me if I didn't snitch on my cousin (which is still didn't becuase I didn't care, but was cooperative and nice in other ways) who bought the beer, and cop said when I was getting in the car "don't drop the soap".....so who is the criminal?! FML and I ahven't got drunk in over 6 months or even drank a beer becuase of shit like this. what do I do? where should I do this free work?
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