going to die


New member
HI there

im new to this forum.
i havent had many panic attacks, its a fairly new thing for me.

i hadent had one for a while untill last night, i started thinking and thinking and thinking, then i started feeling really ill, hot tingles were running down my arms and legs, my head felt light kinda like i was gonna pass out...... it really scares me.
ive had another one thismorning, and really feel like im going to die, i dont know what to do........


Well-known member
you are certainly not going to die, practice your breathing techniques, inhale 4 counts exhale 6 counts


Well-known member
You won't die from a panic attack.A lot of us have had them in the past.You just have to learn how to control them which will not be easy in the least but start with breathing techniques and try to focus on the environment around you instead focusing on your panic attack.


New member

it seems that it all starts when i start thinking about things. i honestly feel like im going crazy.
im real bad around that time of the month im on prozac but this time around it doesnt seem to of helped.
i just want to know im not going crazy


Well-known member
I don't have much faith in medication for social phobia. Don't get me wrong, I know they are of immense value for co-existing depression, and to help alleviate severe symptoms. But I personally have found that the most effective method of treatment (and the hardest) is to try and imprint positive thoughts in your mind. I do this on a regular basis, so that my mind sub-consciously starts to believe them. That way, the next time a get in a real panic, I find it easier to find calming thoughts and shorten or lessen the severity of the panic attack. Useful phrases to use daily are:

'All is well'
'I am calm'
'I'll handle it'
'I can let go of fear'

Hope you find some of this useful - remember, this is only my personal opinion, do what suits YOU. :D


I have thoughts of going crazy too especially because for the last week I haven't felt like myself. I always wonder who I am and how I control me. I know everything that's going on around me but I don't feel like I'm actually speaking when I do speak... it's like there's a disconnect between my head and my mind.

Started going to the gym and running again but haven't felt much of a change. Still taking 75mg of Effexor daily. I use the positive thinking method but constantly have the negative thoughts running through my head as soon as I wake up.... argh.