Going out this weekend...


Well-known member
I just got into contact with an old friend today who has been in jail for a good amount of time and got released a couple years ago...not gonna say what not gonna answer questions about it but it was nothing bad bad.

I was afraid to talk to him for a bit though because did not want to be there if anything were to arise again like he had did even though I know he is a good friend and would not put me into something like that still arose that fear.

Asked me if I wanted to party this weekend and I said yea :) I feel comfortable when I am among friends new or old as long as I know they like me for who I am so I am sure hopefully it will help me progress further with my anxiety that I had my whole life other than my junior and senior year of high school when I was the party of the party...haha...good times.

I just want you all to wish me luck and HOPE to hell he dont change his mind...so I will post pictures also if its that great if its just us sitting around in a circle and drinking then maybe :)...unless my nemesis turns to be a bush again...stupid bushes.


Well-known member
good luck, and be careful

your friend has obviously not made the best decisions in the past


Well-known member
Yea I did not talk to him for...2-3 years after that? something like that but he's changed some if he does anything that stupid again yea Ill be gone dont worry...:)