blonderedhead said:
I once went to a film by myself when I was about 12 and I swear finding a seat in the dark crowded theatre was like walking death row. And once I sat down I cried the entire time. It was horrible and terrifying! So I never really go out alone. I wish I wasn't so insecure and sensitive because I think I would really love to do things on my own.
I've been going to the movies by myself my whole life. I mean I've gone with friends before, but not nearly as much as I've gone myself. Especially the past 7+ years since I lost all my friends (long story).
For the most part I enjoy going to the movies alone because it's easier to concentrate on the story- no distractions. And I only like to check out a movie long after it's popular, that way, the theater is practically empty. I definately don't like going by myself when a theater is full and I have to sit right next to strangers. I would rather not go.
I remember once I saw Pearl Harbor when it first came out (I think 2001). Don't know why I cared at the time (Ben Affleck is a lame dramatic actor). Anyways the cinema was packed. I had to sit in the middle of a row, and right in between 2 ladies. I felt like such a weirdo loner freak. Fortunately I was wearing a hoodie so I put on my hood and left it there the entire film. This way I could not see the people sitting next to me, as my peripheral vision was blocked from the hood. By the way, the movie sucked big time and was very long- which made it all the more torturous. Thinking back, I should have just walked out and into another movie. I'm older now and wouldn't stand for that crap anymore.