Going back on zoloft?


I've been on Zoloft for 5 years and recently went off of it because I felt really good about things. After being off of it for over a month I had a really bad panic attack while driving home from Pittsburgh. I was stuck in traffic and had a bout of diarrhea. I panicked all the way to the rest area and ended up sitting there for a few hours. After that the attacks came more frequently, especially when driving. As luck would have it I got a stomach flu the following week so that was another week of diarrhea and panic attacks. Now that the flu is over I've still been getting attacks daily. The doctor suggested that I got back on the Zoloft. I just worry about the anxiety it can cause going back on it and fear the list of side effects I read about, even though I was on it for years. Am I just being completely irrational?


Staff member
coming off zoloft has quite bad side effects, anxiety and depression being some of those symptoms, I'd stick it out another month to get it out of your system. or just have some pills on standby incase you get suicidal (another side effect)

panic attacks are better treated by therapy more than pills, often they fade after a few months anyway


What was the reason why you started taking it? I wonder if the panic attacks are withdrawal symptoms or just return to the usual state you´ve been in before. That´s what my therapist told me it will be when I stop taking it. She said: of course you´ll get worse when you stop taking it because you get back to normal and now since you´ve been used to feeling better it will come as a shock. But I don´t think she´s quite right. Anyway I think it´s better to take it off gradually, decrease the doses, not just stop it suddenly.


Staff member
Interesting thread over at NoMorePanic about zoloft withdrawl:

No More Panic - zoloft withdrawal

one of my mates has Bi-polar and was on it, they changed her meds and she had to be weaned off it gradually, she went through a very rough time
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I started taking it along with Xanax for panic attacks. I was on it for around five years and my overall anxiety lessened. After a while I thought it would be a good idea to go off of the medication since it had been so long since I'd been on it. I weened off of the zoloft over a two month period and was finally finished with it about a month and a half ago...maybe two months ago...time lines are kind of sketchy in my head. Since I've started having daily panic attacks I'm just not sure if it's a good idea being off of it.


Staff member
Try another remedy for panic attacks, I've had panic disorder on and off for years, CBT and exposure therapies worked far better than medication for me. Docs in the UK refrain from using SSRIs for panic attacks now, then again they dont get payouts from drug companies to prescribe certain medicines :/
I know meds work differently for everyone - but I was on Zoloft for 2 years, it worked great, I figured the lower the dose I take the better off I'll be. I went down from 100 mg to 50; it worked a few months, then I felt anxious again. I upped my dose and threatened suicide, had to switch to a different med. So just going back on the medicine can cause new complications.

Don't know if that helped any ... :)


Well-known member
i was on zoloft for 5 years. I too stopped taking it because I had stopped having panic attacks.. I was fine for about 3 months or so, then I started having horrible attacks. I was having trouble going to work and school. I tried to go back on zoloft.. but it no longer worked for me. I'm on paxil and xanax now and also going to CBT. I think CBT and meds work alot better than just one or the other.


I really appreciate all of the responses. I've got an appointment in a week with my doctor and I'm going to talk to him about changing meds if things don't improve.