giving up talking......

Anyone just want to stop talking forever. I want to really bad. I barely talk now as it is. Throughout the day I mumble a few words at my family, and my dog.

I'm not good at talking. I never have anything to say. I don't like it, and I don't even like hearing people talk to me. Just shut up, and leave me be. lol
People have called me mute before, and I kinda wish I was a full mute that couldn't speak. I want to teach myself sign language, and just use that for now on........::eek::


Well-known member
Talking less will just make things worse.

I was never a good talker either. 'Cat caught your tongue'! I was told time and time again throughout my childhood.

Oh he's just shy is another one.

But I got better at talking over time. For me I would not pronounce enough and would mumble. So it just took more effort and it did get easier over time.

Do you feel like you have a speech impediment? Or like me is it more in the lines of laziness/don't feel like it?


Well-known member
If I'm having a really hard time getting something out, I'll just stop talking yes. With hubby I'll go "argh whatever forget it". I'm not mad at him, but at myself and I won't continue whatever I was trying to say until maybe way later.


Well-known member
i'm a borderline mute at work but i think its because i'm in a high stress hospitality job that switches me off more then any other job i've had so it depends on the environment and the atmosphere, its a very intimidating job and there are only two people i feel comfortable conversing with, the rest are all high and mighty arrogant sorts, not exactly down to earth or anything, they like talking loud and being heard more then the actual content that comes out of their mouths.. ....