give me advice at work


i working suber market 7months start 7am to 3pm the customers they dont like coz when i am helpin them i cant look the eyez and my face changinkg like i scared i every body feels there are mony girls like me first time they talk to me they smile whith me but now they hate me coz of my behavior some of them they going onether place to buy and i stress about that
i dont what to do


Well-known member
I have the oppsoite problem
I distract myself with the customers because i can do small talk, i just really hate talkin to the people i work with.. There so different to me, there lively and loud and im not

do it a step at a time.. try and look at one person each half hour or sumthin... small stages (Y)


Well-known member
Try to smile if you can, do some facial exercises before work it helps relax your face muscles. And some customers have the same problem with the cashiers, and most just want to get out of there as fast as possible.