Give Me a Challenge


Well-known member
Riiya said:
Challenge me to do something you'd think I wouldn't dare to do.

Examples: go see a movie, wear red in public, talk to the cashier instead of pretending to be in a hurry...

Flirt with a boy today. That's what I'm going to be doing so you won't be alone! Let me know how it goes. 8)
Walk up to a random stranger and ask what time it is. Choose a seat next to someone on the bus. Go into a crowded store with a megaphone and say "hello" to everyone at once, then walk away as they stare at you. Break into the United Nations and make a speech to the assembly.


Well-known member
Hoth said:
Break into the United Nations and make a speech to the assembly.
:D :lol: :D
I'll be watching the news for this.

Gel your hair into a really weird style. Read poetry in a public place - preferably in a foreign language if you know one. Or make up your own language. And if you go around asking people the time, make sure you're standing in front of a big clock!
OooH I think that you should tan stripes into your legs, staple your hair together, and climb onto the walls and smile at people until someone tries to talk to you. You also have to wear a bow in your hair for the ultimate cuteness. You might want to just draw a watch on your arm and ask people what time it is so you can reset it.


Well-known member
I would say the best thing you can do is to pick a hobby, probably one that's easy in your environment, and see how it develops.

I'm planning (always postpone it due to fear) to learn sea kayaking because I'm next to the ocean. Sucks that I've never used it due to lack of friends and of course, fear. But yeah, I recommend getting a hobby,


Well-known member
don't know if you gave problems to do those to but here we go.

-Tell a something nice to someone you generally don't.
-If theres the oportunity, Speak with one stranger even you don't need to
-Purposely, talk with someone who you know isn't that gentle... it's harder then you may think most people aren't this evil, only do it if you want to learn how to deal with rejection.

Smokeringz said:
say hello to ten people in one day.
thats a nice one i'll try it myself.