Getting over a slump


Well-known member
...a slump as in:

"hmmm, I have X.Y.Z. that needs to be done, but first, let me watch some TV, oh, a nice cup of tea sounds good, I need to reorganize ___ first"

Like I have all these things rambling around in my brain that NEED to be done, ya know, that important stuff, but I get distracted so easily lately that I put off - intentionally - the things that NEED to be done and replace with silly, mundane things that really could wait.

Anyone struggle with this? if so, how do you motivate yourself to do the things that NEED to be done?


Well-known member
Work in small shifts just to make sure I have some progress, or tell myself I'll just start with 20 minutes to try to trick myself into getting things rolling.


Well-known member
Work in small shifts just to make sure I have some progress, or tell myself I'll just start with 20 minutes to try to trick myself into getting things rolling.

Good one! small shifts to get things done, little by little. I am a believer in 'baby steps' but sometimes, I get so side tracked I irritate myself more than anything. I need to practice what I preach!:kickingmyself: