

Active member
Ok, so just last night I was at a friend's house, with a few other friends (male and female). Nobody was drinking, we were just sitting around, talking, watching a movie (God help me, it was Twilight :D) or playing stupid games. And though I was somewhat anxious at the beginning, it was actually quite fun and pleasant. I was cracking jokes all the time and it was generally quite relaxing. Eventually we grew tired and went home but I didn't feel massive relief like I usually would after escaping from a social situation. Actually, I could have stayed even longer.
But then, tonight, with practically the same people I went out to a club. You know, the place that is supposed to be fun? Well, though SA was still there as a background problem, I realized what really bugged me was that it's just so damn BOOORING. You can barely talk. The music is just too loud. Ordinarily, I like music, but I won't crank it all up if I'm trying to talk to someone. You can barely dance. Actually, from time to time, I actually like to dance. But how to do it when people are packed so tight you can barely move? You are almost obliged to drink alcohol cause when everyone is drinking beer you'll be looked at like a freak if you just want a juice. I can't stand the taste of beer or vodka, I don't like wine that much. You can barely see from all the cigarete smoke.
It's like everything has to be excessive, forced upon you in a bar. I am by nature a moderate guy, I hate excess. And I don't know, but it's all just so monotonous. There's no variety. I can't imagine standing with a bottle in hand and nodding to music for hours, day after day, and calling it a good time. I'd much rather talk about something meaningful, or watch a movie or something. And you're supposed to meet and bond with girls in a bar/club? I'd much rather go for a walk under the stars in peace and quiet (or something appropriately romantic ::p:).
I guess I just don't see much fun in going to places like that. Maybe i'm weird.
Do you think it's fun? What do you view as fun? What would you rather do?


i used to love clubs/raves when i was younger, but i wouldnt step foot in one these days.

give me a big empty field to lye in and look at the stars :)


Well-known member
I thought you hated parties and what the heck is a star party?

I've never even see a star because of the light pollution in Miami.

Remember when I mentioned "with few exceptions" in the ChatBox? Yeah, this would be it.


Active member
A star party is when you and three other star fish dance around in a circle dressed up as pace marines while trying to make pizzas that look suspiciosly like alfred hitchcock... yeah, it's pretty great.


Well-known member
A star party is when you and three other star fish dance around in a circle dressed up as pace marines while trying to make pizzas that look suspiciosly like alfred hitchcock... yeah, it's pretty great.

o_O lolwut
The last star party and only star party I went to degenerated into talking and chatting a lot since there's too much clouds on that day. Kind of fun though. And I learned a lot, since there are some celestial objects visible despite the clouds.


Well-known member
I hate the whole club scene. The fact that you can't hear or talk to anyone because the music is so loud and you're expected to dance or drink. I prefer talking and watching a movie with friends. It just seems so much more fun and relaxed. There's always a college party once a week which seems really popular but I'm just not into anything like that. I think if other people knew that I don't like to drink or go 'clubbing' then they'll think I'm not cool and boring. I know it's not true but I still get embarrassed about it. Kids are all about the partying. Sometimes I just feel so much older than I am because I don't go out very much. I'm eighteen. To be honest I haven't done anything with other people in a very long time, it's so lonely and I really miss the company.. ;_;


Well-known member
I hate the whole club scene. The fact that you can't hear or talk to anyone because the music is so loud and you're expected to dance or drink. I prefer talking and watching a movie with friends. It just seems so much more fun and relaxed. There's always a college party once a week which seems really popular but I'm just not into anything like that. I think if other people knew that I don't like to drink or go 'clubbing' then they'll think I'm not cool and boring. I know it's not true but I still get embarrassed about it. Kids are all about the partying. Sometimes I just feel so much older than I am because I don't go out very much. I'm eighteen. To be honest I haven't done anything with other people in a very long time, it's so lonely and I really miss the company.. ;_;

I agree with you,walks,talking or movies is more relaxing than clubs,though i've never been to any clubs,cause i know it's not a place for a guy like me,the loud music(it's not even that genre music that i like),dancing,drinking .. it's just not for me,i cant stand it,oh cmn,i can't even dance .. it feels so uncomfortable for me if i try to.
I understand you when you say that you dont want to tell anyone that you dont like drinking,clubbing and sh*t,cause they will think that you are boring,i'm in like same situation.The only guy that i hang out in school likes clubs and so on,he even asked me once if i want to come some day and i was like "ugh,i dont know,i kinda dont want or it's not a place for a guy like me",but well,atleast he knows that i can be funny,we make jokes,laugh about diff things like every day at school .. and yes,idk what to say more.