Forget I ever posted this bulletin!!


Well-known member
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I don't even feel like explaining myself!


Well-known member
Whats done is done. You cant change it so there is really no point in dwelling on it. If your neighbors laughed at you, so what? Im sure they forgot what happened in about 10 minutes. And I guarantee you, I have had more embarrassing moments than that (if that makes you feel any better :p )
Hmm, tbh I don't think there's something wrong with kissing on the cheek and saying hi. If they stared at you, I don't think it's because they thought it was weird, it's probably because they were just looking.

I acutally have a similar problem as yours. Whenever I walk outside for example and I see cars or people that goes by, I'm always thinking that they're looking at me but I realized that it's just a reflex stare/look. It's not really that bad. I still have that problem but I'm working on it and I know I'm getting better.

Don't let your mind go anywhere, there's really nothing wrong about it.


Well-known member
You need to realize that being embarassed over something so ridiculously mundane like that is pointless. You need to 'prioritize' the things you panic about. If you feel like that over noticing that your neighbours saw you greet your boyfriend's mother, then what's it going to be like if you have to endure something much 'worse'?


Well-known member
yeah yeah kissing on the cheek is so mundane blah blah

pfft. whatever. it is so artificial, fake, forced, awkward, and insincere. i am totally non affectionate, too, and i hate that shit. i don't like people touching me let alone getting near my face. when i see other people doing it and i realize i am in line to do the kiss thing, too, i get especially nervous. who invented this shit?

i do agree not to dwell on the people looking at you, though. are you going to reflect upon this moment when you are on your death bed in 239487 years? probably not. and they won't be either.


Well-known member
Digitaldreams said:
Just had an embarrassing moment! help me get over it!!

That should be a breeze. Just consider the following:

haha dude that was uncalled for!! wtf..

but yeah seriously, have you never even done that? I used to be really reluctant, I sort of bent forward awkwardly but I wasn't embarrassed. Everyone does that, get over it. As for the neighbors, they were probably just looking, and if anything it was cause you were making a fool of yourself. Can you imagine if you just went along with it casually? What would there be to stare at? Just a friendly kiss on the cheek

qwerty103 said:
Hmm, tbh I don't think there's something wrong with kissing on the cheek and saying hi. If they stared at you, I don't think it's because they thought it was weird, it's probably because they were just looking.

I acutally have a similar problem as yours. Whenever I walk outside for example and I see cars or people that goes by, I'm always thinking that they're looking at me but I realized that it's just a reflex stare/look. It's not really that bad. I still have that problem but I'm working on it and I know I'm getting better.

Don't let your mind go anywhere, there's really nothing wrong about it.

oh and that's a great point, about the reflex look. I do it all the time, glancing at random people for no particular reason..they might look amazing or just be someone totally random but close by. The same goes for us, we aren't invisible, so don't treat every look as a "stare" at something you're doing wrong.


Well-known member
The good thing about embarrassing moments? You get over them quickly. I showed up drunk off my ass to a public speaking class, someone called the ambulance, and I was wisked away to the hospital. I was embarrassed and ashamed...but you tend to get over that. Time heals.


Well-known member
Well, if you're going to compare what we (or anyone) goes through to the @@@@ death camps, then who among us can consider our problems important enough to visit websites like this?

Although, when this sort of "cleansing" takes place, there is always the danger that social "misfits," like many of us are, get labelled as "undesirables" and could potentially end up in places like that. Let's hope that never happens to any of us. So it may be in our best interest to make an effort to get "cured".