For those who were bullied: The put downs and negative judgements you received

I know a lot of people here received a lot of put downs, negative judgements, maybe ridicule too. I was picked on a lot at school and got a lot of negative judgements which hurt very much at the time and I started believing that is how people see me, those judgements are how I am, etc. I became self conscious of the parts of me that I was getting these hurtful judgements on to protect myself and to stop people thinking those ways about me. I couldn't stand it. So I always felt self conscious and anxious with attention on those parts of me.

The point of this post is that it is becoming clear to me that if there is anything that someone could pick on and ridicule or tease in you or put you down for in your school years - isn't it fair to assume that some immature dumbass will make some negative comments?
I remember at school that my best friend was always picked on for his ears, people would say he had big ears and that sort of label stuck with him, he hated it. He has ever since school days had long hair to cover his ears. I had another friend who was short and he used to get a lot of negative judgements too which he hated so much. I saw others getting called names or ridiculed for being overweight - which I know hurts those people. I knew kids who were called names for being skinny. There was a guy in class who was always called names for being ginger. I remember this girl in my class was called concorde nose and people ridiculed her for her nose even though I couldn't see that her nose was any bigger than average really. I even remember some people calling some kid 4 eyes and ridiculed for wearing glasses.
This name calling, bullying, put downs is rife at schools, a lot of kids are so immature, can be very nasty, insensitive, they think its funny, they don't realise really what they are saying, etc. The negative judgements really are not a fair source to believe that what they are saying is fair and true. i.e. they may make you feel so crap about a small imperfection but to everyone else it means nothing, but if you believe the exaggerated negative judgements you will see it as a huge flaw.
Everyone above who got these negative judgements, people didn't see them as their 'flaw' which they kept getting judgements on, it was just some immature kids picking on them for cheap laughs or to hurt them because they don't like them or maybe because they were so shallow and were so critical of people.
We took these comments so hard and believed they were true because we maybe knew that we had these imperfections. But its not true as such, it was people wanting to hurt us or to humiliate us or maybe simply because they were so shallow and insensitive and critical - most people are not like that.
But not only that, but how relevant or applicable are the judgements when you were a teenager or younger fair for when you are in your 20s or 30s? I was ridiculed loads for how I talked for a minor speech impediment and quite a high pitched voice as a kid. I became self conscious of speaking out loud and saying words that I was getting ridiculed for. I no longer have the high pitched voice and my speech impediment is so incredibly minor now yet I still remain self conscious of people hearing my speaking. I became self conscious to protect myself from negative judgements and protect myself from being hurt by those judgements - but in my mind now I don't believe people are going to judge me negatively for how I speak but I am stuck in this self conscious mindset.

I am starting to realise the negative judgements I received that hurt me, I took them to mean that was how I am, that is what people see and feared being judged that way any more. It is not fair or true. If I insult someone today for an imperfection or flaw or weakness, does it mean what I say is fact and how people see them? Should that person become self conscious of the part I insulted to protect themselves from being hurt?
It seems near impossible to avoid negative judgements in your school and teenage years if you have anything that someone can pick on or make fun of you for.
I think for a lot of people here that the problem is with the way we took the negative judgements - we believed them and believed those parts of us were so shameful and terrible and feared negative judgements like that any more.
However, we won't be getting negative judgements - the negative judgements were from immature jerks or shallow insensitive loud mouths who wanted to hurt us or to get cheap laughs. All of our beliefs that we developed are therefore totally flawed. I think there has to be a realisation and understanding that the beliefs we developed and the evidence it was based on was all flawed and wasn't a fair assessment on how you are but simply school kids picking on you, making fun of you, trying to hurt you and that no one is really thinking like that at all.

Any thoughts?


Well-known member
When I was in elementary school I was picked on for being stupid and fat but I made sure I never let them get to me. I had one friend who at the beginning was even ashamed to be around me at school until she realized how much of *******s they were. In high school I didn't feel smart so I skipped school and hung out with the druggies and starting doing a lot of Ecstasy to take my problems away. I was almost raped high on drugs and then after that I became house bound, haven't really left my house in 3 years and I have a friend who doesn't leave her house much because she thinks she's going to die. People who pick on others have so much pride that they will do anything to make there situation better. I honestly think we live in hell.
I know you say that you didn't let negative judgements get to you and I don't know how much of an impact that had on you but really those judgements really are not applicable whatsoever now and they were said by kids who basically were very immature, insensitive, childish, etc. No adult sees the real world like what those kids did.

The negative judgements that dented our self esteem, made us self conscious and feel negative, made us fear about more such negative judgements - were totally flawed. It was not a judgement of how we are and how people see us, it was almost always people wanting to hurt us or make fun of us. But we took these hurtful judgements as meaning that is how we are and how people see us.

And we change so much - the judgements I got as a teenager for example are just not right any more, I have totally changed and make the most of myself. Yet I am stuck believing I will be judged in those negative ways. Its so wrong.

We really are not being judged, of course if someone wants to hurt us or make fun of us they could find something, but we all have imperfections/weaknesses. It is impossible for everyone to like us or be attracted to us, its so wrong to be hurt if someone doesn't like us.


Well-known member
Mainly people made fun of my disability, calling me a cripple really did hurt me. I was also nicknamed the hunchback because I always looked down at the floor (Due to lack of confidence and also to see where I was going and make sure I didn't trip up). Once I was also called a jew, I assume it was because I have a big nose.
I was bullied for having small ears in secondary school (middle school), an apparent large ass, and for being "Fat"
It made me so self concious that I started wearing baggy clothes so that people didn't get to see my figure incase the thought it was horrible. This only fuelled the bullying.
I hid behind the rags of clothing until I was 14, when I discovered that I wasn't fat at all, and was actually quite slim, but I had this idea of what people perceived me as, and thought it true.
Oh and I remember speaking to a boy when I was 12/13, and he said something about how huge my nose was (very cruel and insensitive of him- but hey, that's kids for you). It made me completely paranoid about it, and I decided that I needed a nose job because it was so huge. My friends at the time said that it was fine, but I didn't listen, and started to hate the idea of it.

It's the tiny things that hurt people, for example, just recently some dick from my old school (I left because I was getting bullied- (I'm 16 btw)), saw me with some new friends, and decided to taunt me, calling me a lard arse. I didn't even think that my ass was big! Well it made me remember the times when I was a kid when I was told I had chicken legs (Fat thighs), and a big bum. I've lost 2 stone since I saw him, so I know that my ass can't be significantly big, but it still hurts that the past comes back to haunt you wherever you go..

Wow, your story is almost like a mirror image of mine - I was always getting put downs about how I looked from the ages of about thirteen to my early 20s - I was called ugly a number of times, people called me names, ridiculed me and insulted me for my weight (for being thin) and for my nose, etc.
I became so self conscious of how I looked, especially my nose and weight. I started believing that if anyone saw my nose or that I was skinny that they would judge me negatively and as ugly. I basically believed the extremely negative judgements I was receiving quite often. It ruined my self esteem and self confidence, I was basically living life always self conscious and anxious fearing judgements on my appearance. I still am but now I am just 10000% determined to solve it.

What your story shows is that there are a lot of kids who are complete and utter arseholes. There are some kids out there who if they see anything that they are able to attack you for and put you down to hurt you or can make some comment that may get some cheap laughs from their lame brain friends, they'll do it. Its not about how you really look or how people see you, they are just targeting anything they can that can hurt you or make fun of you.
These sort of people are not fair judges whatsoever you must believe that.
Look at these people - they are cruel, they are horrible natured, they are insensitive, they are immature, they are shallow, they care nothing for anyone elses feelings, they are childish, they are jerks. These are not normal people. Yes their comments do hurt but that is what they are trying to achieve, for example did they mention any of your really nice qualities or things that are nice about you? No way - because they are not judging you fairly or giving an accurate picture of you, they are just out to hurt you or to make fun of you because they are complete jerks.
You must never believe their judgements and let them make you feel self conscious, anxious, ashamed, believe these parts of you are inadequate.
You have probably developed a self conscious mindset to protect yourself from being judged in these negative ways, but no one is judging you in these ways other than complete arseholes. You must believe that.
When I look back at my school days and reading what you write I can see that if there is anything at all that people can make fun of or hurt you for they will do.
I have just seen your picture and you have a fantastic look, you are really pretty - you have a nice face, your eyes are probably the most amazing eyes I have ever seen and you have really cool hair, no normal guy would think negatively of how you look believe me, don't let those arseholes make you feel like anyone looks negatively at you because they won't. The only people who did are these arseholes and their opinions are totally flawed. And just remember that it is impossible for everyone to like you, don't be hurt by that.
This is why I hate most of society, stupid ass people who bully others for apparently no reason whatsoever, and the worst part, other stupid ass people encourage it, making the bullies popular and praising them, I ****ing hate this fake ass society we live in.