For students.......


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So how do you guys deal with test day?
I have a test in about 2 hours,its the hardest until now,its driving me crazy,looks like I will lay an egg out my mouth :),cant stop my legs,cant really study anything or concentrate,I am pretty sure I will go bad,do you guys have any advice for the next time I have a test?


Well-known member
Just got back, I got a 77 out of 100,it was kind of bad all the others before this were 90 and up,this was the hardest and the most anxious I got,I couldnt concentrate.
Hello there, past saturday I had a very hard test. Its a kind of test that if you really want to study about it, you should start studying months before.
Guess what? I studied friday night. Went to bed at 3am, woke up at 5 and couldnt stop thinking about it anymore. It was very hard to fall asleep again.
Although, all I did was, (I know it sounds very stupid), took the test. I went there and did it. Did my best. If I screw up, I know it was my fault and next time I will study. Or not. Because I cant study, all my life I always read other students sumary, or hours before the test. And I always did ok, otherwise I wouldnt be here. You need to find out whats good for you. If studying a long time before will make you feel confortable at the test day, then study. If you cant, if it makes you more nervous, dont. I'd reather go calm to a test not knowing anything, than study hard and an hour before the test, getting those blanks in my mind. See whats better for you, thats my personal opinion.
77% isnt bad at all by the way, if others made 99, thats their problem. You gotta be in peace with yourself. Hope that helps. Good luck!


Well-known member
I got a test in about three hours, I'm kinda anxious and can't study anymore, but I knew this was going to happen to me again at the end. So, I actually started studying for this two weeks ago, I know most of my stuff and just want to get over with. By the good luck with ur test, just try to take it easy. If u get anxious during the test, close ur eyes and take a deep breath, it always helps me out. Peace.


Well-known member
I had another test yesterday,I did much better in this one and it was harder too,what I did was study some days before and in the last two days I tried to forget completely about that I had one,that seemed to work for me....


New member
when i got tests all i do is forget them!
it prevents me of studying but my notes are very better since i started to forgot the tests-day


I've always gotten pretty nervous about tests, partly because I've always done well in them. That may sound dumb, but for me all that means is that everyone expects me to do really well whenever there's a test. And I'm seriously bad at studying, so mostly I just don't, and then I get to the test and freak out.

Recently I had the most important tests of my life so far, and I figured that not studying at all wasn't really going to cut it. Something I found that helped was trying to explain the subject matter to my family (especially my little brother, since he's always happy to sit and listen to me talk!). That way I found out what I did and didn't understand, without going through my piles of class notes. Then I could easily target those specific areas.


Well-known member
Tests don't really bother me. I never understood why test days bother so many social phobes. =/ For me, the only thing about school that bothers me is being vocal in class and socializing with other students.


Well-known member
If its not a test for first aid or something then I would say that 77% is a very good mark, I'd be happy with that. I dont think im too shabby at exams and such when talking about nerves. I find reading through the whole paper or a quick glance puts my mind at rest for what to expect.

As for revising I find it more difficult to remember stuff if its not done alone in a very quiet area. I know of people which are always trying to cram just before walking in to the test, im not a fan of that, I think its one of the worst things to do for anxiety.


I've always been ok with written exams. Not so good with Practical exams though and because of the course I took at uni, all my exams are practical.::(: I just take some Kalms tablets the night before and an hour before the exam and it stops things like shaking, face going red, heart beating really fast etc. (well, for me anyway :D)


Well-known member
As for revising I find it more difficult to remember stuff if its not done alone in a very quiet area. I know of people which are always trying to cram just before walking in to the test, I'm not a fan of that, I think its one of the worst things to do for anxiety.

I'm well away from exams now but I wasn't exactly good at revising. I prepared a list of bullet points and key facts to help jog my memory. I would never start revising until a few days before the exam and never revise for more than 30 mins at a time. Revision is best done in your own preferred way I think.

I tried to avoid the scrum of people outside the exam hall. People had different ways of remembering things and different techniques of working stuff out. It used to make me more nervous listening to people list points in a different order to the way I had learned them. I think you need to be able to concentrate on your own stuff. I also don't like other peoples anxiety and nervousness, as it seems to transfer over to me.


Well-known member
i sometimes get way too excited when im doing a test. im all jittery and im zooming through then go into a really nice euphoric state after it, like im high in the sky