Fluoxetine has me worried.


Well-known member
My doctor put me Fluoxetine (20mg) for anxiety and OCD. It sounded fine and dandy to me and I couldn't wait to start taking them. But then I read the possible side effects and now I'm terrified of taking them. I already suffer from anxiety; hostility; aggressiveness; intrusive thoughts; and trouble sleeping/getting to sleep and a few others but the thought of making them worse and including hallucinations into the mix has me scared out of my mind. I know it's not very likely I will experience the side effects but I can't stop thinking I might be one of the few to experience them. One of my worst fears is hallucinating, and I now have it in my head that the pills will make me crazy.

I don't want to suffer from anxiety/OCD/depression any more than I already am. I'm feeling quite conflicted. On one hand I want to take them, but on the other...I'm scared and I'm regretting telling my Dr. I have anxiety.

I feel like I'm losing my sanity and becoming paranoid. Can anyone else relate?
Dude, it's just the OCD, silly :p

I took fluoxetine for a while - these are the ONLY side-effects that I got:

-Gained weight
-Trouble sleeping
-Upset stomache (burning feeling).

It's not that bad, plus you can go off it really easily.... i just stopped taking it suddenly (did experience bad depression for a day or two but I was fine.) IF you do go off of it though, you should probably do it less than 'suddenly' - like take 1 pill every 2 days first..

Don't worry, it doesnt do much :), besides of giving you this happy feeling.


Staff member
Ahh prozac, yeah I got put on that back in the day. Didn't work for me but didn't notice much side affects apart from a little more anxiety which I gather is normal for the first month. I'm suspicious of meds too but it's only an SSRI and pretty smalltime, give it a whirl!


Well-known member
Hey guys, thanks for putting my mind at ease. I'll probably give it a shot tomorrow before I go to bed as my anxiety hits its peak at night.


Well-known member
I wouldn't worry too much, try it, more importantly start on a low dose and bump it up gradually.

I had a very bad experience with it, but I am under 18, which puts me at risk for that. If you start slow and don't let your doc bump up your dosage too quickly, even if you are having a bad reaction, it will be gradual enough for you to catch it, go off of it, and it'll be gone. So no worries, just start low if you're worried


Well-known member
Hey guys, thanks for putting my mind at ease. I'll probably give it a shot tomorrow before I go to bed as my anxiety hits its peak at night.

How did it turn out? With sleeping especially, that is already a problem for me.

I just started taking the same things and I've been worried about the same kinds of things. It seems strange that an anti-depressant would have some of the same side effects that it is supposed to stop.


I wonder how did it turn out?

When I tried similar medicine, It triggered bipolar disorder in me, so it's not completely safe if you have bad cards to start with.