Flip flopping..


Well-known member
How many of us have had times of courage, where we chucked our fears aside and became social for an extended period of time, only to retreat back to isolation and social phobia at one point or another? What was it that caused the retreat for you?

I think for me it has consistently been having confirmation somewhere along the lines that I was fooling myself, that the anxiety was still there, or even worse than before. Or being rejected.


Well-known member
I can certainly remember this one particular moment from last year during my Junior year in high school. I had a massive crush on this guy who I met in my Music Appreciation class in 8th grade and I spent the next 4 years or so crushing on him. Well, more like being completely shot up the a** with cupid's arrows ::p:

Anyway, sometime last year during lunch, I suddenly mustered up some random but godly form of courage and asked him if he wanted to go to Six Flags with me (My mom gets coupons at work so I go pretty often). He got excited and agreed, which got me excited, until he completely ruined it by asking "Is it okay if my friend Krysta comes along? I don't think you know her, but she's really cool and I think you guys would get along."

I was absolutely appalled, but I just sucked it up and tried to be nice about it so I said it was fine. It really upset me because I invited him so it could just be the both of us so I could get to know him better and he ruins everything by inviting the one girl I've always envied... Yeah I barely knew the girl, but I always saw her hanging out with him and that inevitably got me jealous. Funny thing is, I befriended her this year in my Art class and I brought up Daniel (the guy I liked) and she acted casual and said "Oh yeah, he's cool! We've been besties for a long time!"

Besties? The way they acted around each other didn't really sum up to the idea of them just being friends and out of curiosity I asked "Have you guys ever been together?" She looked at me funny and burst out laughing before saying "No way! Daniel's gay! Didn't you know that?"

I have to say, that right there was the biggest disappointment of my life... If you knew him, you would think his being gay was impossible. I mean, the way he acted around me and other girls made him look straight. I never thought it was possible, but hey, the expression "Looks can be deceiving" exists for a reason...

In the end, I just came up with some random excuse and we didn't go to Six Flags after all. I went with my cousin instead :/