flight 93


Active member
I saw the movie flight 93 last night... for those of you who may not know what it is... its about september 11th and what went on during the hijacking of United Airlines flight 93 before it crashed. Not only did it make me cry, It made me think about how i would have reacted in that absolutely awful situation. The terror those passengers must have felt knowing they were on a suicide mission, and the fact that they all came together for that short period and tried to take back control of the plane, they were remarkably brave people; and heroes for sure. The most gut-wrenching part was when they were calling their families and loved ones form the air-phone, knowing they were going to die, saying goodbyes. It was unbearable.

...and it made me think..how can something like SA hold us all back from being happy and living full lives...life is so short, and if g-d forbid any one of us were in a situation similiar to flight 93, and we somehow survived, would that be cause enough to break us out of our shells? Would being faced with death, make us change the way we think and feel about life. Being in a such a terrifying situation has got to make the fear we feel in social situations soooo much less scary, and really just insignificant. The movie just put things in perspective for me...How do you all feel about this...?


Well-known member
when you watch those kinds of movies it can make you motivated to get on with things certainly, also i kind of get the feeling that the CIA was somehow involved on 911, just a hunch.


Well-known member
Loose Change kind of had an affect on me and also its similar to the JFK cover-up meaning that people in the CIA knew it was going to happen but did nothing to stop it


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It's funny. The same people who are complaining about homeland security and tight security in airports are the same people saying that.


Well-known member
i didn't like the movie to be honest.. the wound it still open if you know what i mean. likei guess the idea behind it was good but it just shouldn't have been made now.


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socratic said:
The CIA involved with plane hijackings? it doesnt sound like them to break the law and abuse human rights..nah, cant be right

yea. Them rat bastards have beenz hidin UFO's from us too.


Active member
ok... your entitled to your opinion but i dont believe that.... call me naive call me ignorant i dont care... i find it very difficult to believe the US government set all of 9/11 up...whats the proof?


Well-known member
sweet4certain said:
The terror those passengers must have felt knowing they were on a suicide mission

Good! Somebody finally taking that decision for me! :)

PS About the CIA: secret services of all countries tend to do rather nasty things, sometimes necessary, as part of their mandate to protect the country, sometimes not. But in any case there is usually a reason for what they do, maybe an illegal one, or a very bad one, but still a reason. I don't see why on earth the CIA should have wanted to have planes crashing on skyscrapers on american soil. And it's even more unrealistic to believe they could have managed to organize it while keeping it secret.


Well-known member
9/11 has been probably set up by some power in America. It could be the goverment or CIA or any other power in the US, it's not something hard to realize. That's what i think.

Many americans think that their goverment by it's policies around the world is protecting them or something like that however what happening is certainly beyond that.