Finally went out/want to get back home


Well-known member
I went out with some people from work yesterday. As I said, I would never have done that without you ;)

I finished at 1:00pm, they were meeting up at 3:00pm, which I was there for. I had to go by 5:45pm anyway because the parking clock would run out. But after about 5:00pm, especially as it started to get dark, I had this sudden and overwhelming feeling that I just wanted to get back home.

I guess you'd expect it after spending so many years of non-school/college/work time at home, but ISTR I was always like this. It's hard to explain what it's like, because I don't feel scared or worried or anything like that - it just feels 'wrong'.

I expect/hope it's a pretty normal feeling - does anyone else get it?


Well-known member
I'm the same, i can never enjoy myself because all i think about is going home to the comfort and safety of my room.


Well-known member
It's funny because I've never felt like that on holiday in other countries - then again, it's never been without my family. I think it must be because then it's so far removed from home, instead of being ten minutes down the road.

I guess the feeling disappears gradually with experience though?


After throwing away another chance in the morning, and telling myself enough was enough, I finally managed to join the group (of three ;) ) at lunch time and break. I feel kind of deflated though, nothing really happened... I thought everyone would be in constant conversation, instead it was more standing around really. Still, I did it, yay! :)

Again, I found that doing it quickly works wonders, otherwise you just give yourself time to talk yourself out of it. And if you're like me, you *will* talk yourself out of it in seconds!