Finally relief!!!


New member
I have suffered from axillary hyperhydrosis for 15 years and have tried practically everything to minimize it (or hide it). As most of you have also tried, I have tried Aluminum Chloride prescription deodorant (too irritating to the skin), eliminating caffeine, laser hair removal treatments to underarms, iontophoresis treatments (I even bought the $1000 machine to do the treatments at home), stick-it-to-the-inside-of-your-shirt sweat absorbing pads, wearing only black, need I go on...??? BUT I got a new doctor and he prescribed oxybutynin (generic for Ditropan) 5 mg once a day and by day 3 I couldn't believe the difference. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now and feel like I'm dreaming. I have dry arm pits!! The only time my arm pits would ever be dry was when I was sleeping. I have experienced feeling cold and am wearing sweatshirts indoors and even while driving. It's honestly amazing.
The medication is an anticholinergic which has "drying effects" and if I understand it right it helps to block an over active sympathetic nervous system.
Because of the drying effects some people can get constipation, dry mouth, lessened ******l secretions, etc. I haven't noticed much, maybe a tiny bit of dry mouth and a little harder time going to the bathroom, but not enough to bother me. I would recommend trying this medication and all it costs is your co-pay for the medicine. I am soooo happy with the way it is helping me.


New member
Of course. I am just so relieved to find something that works so well and hope that others might benefit from it as well.