Feelings of the Pope's Death


Well-known member
Even though i am not Roman Catholic, i think the pope had a inspiration to us all. I feel really saddened for the passing of the pope, even though some of the churches policies i didn't agree with. I feel that today that Humanity lost a great human being.

This is one of the only times that i felt saddened by something other than depression, and i think we should all take a momment and maybe, if we take some of the popes strong love in humanity, i think the world will be a better place.

Setting aside the disagreements and ultra conservative views, i'm not someone who can easly forgive, but today i feel that we need to forgive and think about the positive things that the pope has brought to humanity.....

please one thing that i ask is that this posting be not of hatred or bitterness, yes.. i know, its ironic that i am the one saying this, but i think this is one step for me to recover is to accept a little faith into ones lives


Well-known member
It's sad, I guess. I'm not going to be bitter or anything because frankly I don't even know what he has done. All I know is that it seems to affect alot of people (his death) and I hope they continue whatever it was he is doing. It seemed to bring alot of smiles to peoples faces.


Well-known member
Anyone who stands up for peace in this world deserves respect, so for that reason I think it is right for the world to mourn the loss of the Pope.

I dont know why people are SO upset by his passing though as the whole Catholic religion is based upon dying and going to live in paradise. Whats so sad about the Pope going to paradise? Its not like they didnt see it coming! And its not like he didnt live a good life either. What did they expect? For him to live for eternity? Surely the heaven that Catholics believe in is better than this thing called Earth so surely one should celebrate the Pope's entry to paradise yeah?

The only thing I found upsetting about it all was when he tried to speak to the crowd at Easter but couldn't as you could see his frustration.

I would like to reccomend LilMissTragic as the next pope - if for no other reason, just so I can see her wearing a funny hat :lol:


Well-known member

im not religious at all, i dont believe in heaven or hell..but i beleive that the Pope deserves, in death, to find whatever he was searching for, and encouraged others to strive for his whole life.
My family are/were Roman Catholics and they speak of the Pope in the highest manner, so i do feel some sort of...remorse at his death..


Active member
I wont delve into religious conversations as people end up hating me, but the question i have is, dont you think there is now unfair pressure on the next pope?

Whats to say that the next pope is better? Or is he already worse even tho they (the vatican) havent elected another one?



Well-known member
The next pope will have a hard role to fill and at a difficult time, thats for sure

The world is divided over the war on terror, poverty at an all time high and the Catholic church is getting more critisism as it ever has - if you believe the media then you'd be excused for thinking most Catholic priests are kiddy-fiddlers

BUT - look at the life of the Pope who just died. He was against it all as well when he started. not only was the world split by Communism but he was also the first non-Italian Pope! I wasnt around at the time but Im pretty sure he wasn't looked upon fondly when he started - heck someone even tried to assasinate him.

Am interested to see who will be next Pope though. Rumour says he might be from Latin America or another third world country. But I've still got my fingers crossed for LilMiss


Well-known member
lmao. Well, i'm not so sure I'd look as good as John Paul did in those robes...an being an anarchist might put people off a little...lol...but thanks very much for the vote of confidence. Ohhh yous a funny soul you is. :)


Well-known member
Anarchist huh? Just out of curiosity, do you believe in complete anarchy or just a different/simpler/better government? I've always found it hard to try and imagine a society without any sort of framework. I just can't see how it would function or even exist for that matter. Sorry for going off topic. And I'm not criticizing or trying to offend, I'm just curious.