"Feeling really-really hopeless" streaks fixed with the bench press?


Well-known member
firewalk its funny you say that.. i quit ciggarettes 8 months ago & started training & lots of cardio, when im led in bed @ 1am & cant sleep, my anxiety really gets bad when im led in bed staring at the celing in silence... so i go into other room & bench out till exhaustion whilst playing on mp3 lamb of god - walk with me in hell, it sure gets me in that zone & when im done benching & lifting weights i lie back in bed alot less anxious & feeling more positive about things in general, good luck with the benching & staying fit :)
Exercise really seems to help. Even if I'm in a bad mood all day before I go to Karate (I usually am), I always feel much better after Karate.


Active member
Thanks renegade.

congrats of quitting smoking, Conscious. Good luck on your road to good health ;)

Firewalk, I"m glad you found an activity that helps with your depression. Whether it's endorphins or just that fact that your feeling your time up with something constructive that enhances your mood is great. be careful and don't overwork yourself


Well-known member
In the summer time, I had crying spells in the middle of the night.
I found that the only thing that could really stop them was running.
I would run 6-8k around 2am most nights/mornings until I felt like my chest was on fire and eventually I just couldn't cry anymore.

Like running away from sadness, I guess.
Cardio helps for all sorts of things.

It's winter time right now, though-- so I can't go outside to run. Have to stick with light weight training and yoga for now.
It'll be nice once the snow and ice starts to melt and I can go outside again.


Well-known member
I don't bench press since I'm a girl, but yes, exercise does help when your feeling down. When I was seriously down some months back, I jogged some 10-12km for one half to two hours a couple times per week and it really helped stabilize my moods.


Well i just have been walking outdoors for 1-2hours a day, cant say that's exercice...but really change my mood for awhile!

Apart all the cientific reasons one of them seems to be on the cause of get less anxious: get distracted! So at least for awhile your head seems to forget the negative toughts...and that is precious!

So keep the good work, exercice, get some sun...and sleep well! U will feel much better


I found running helped me alot, even though I didn't realize it at the time. It was a great escape and the natural high would compel me to exercise more and more frequently. I now do marathons regularly.

I remember once, after a long hard 2 hour run at 3am, I'd sit on the porch and stare up at the sky. All my senses would go into hyper-drive, everything seemed so lucid and crisp. The rustling of the leaves, the sweet taste of the midnight air the stars seemed to spiral away from me and I'd experience this overwhelming sense of peace and harmony. Everything I touched would send tingly sensations to my brain, the summer breeze blowing across my skin, the hardness of the ground on which I sat. I'd just sit there for half an hour before it was time to go in for a shower.

That was many years ago and unfortunately my body has since built a natural resistance to these highs. I still feel pretty good after a run, but nothing like what it used to be.


Well-known member
It's almost like I'm a different person after I work out. I always try to before work as a way to start my day off right. But on days when I don't, I feel like shying away from everyone and I become a lot more unfocused/sluggish. My boss must have told me "are you ok" like 8 times today and that's probably the reason.