Feeling Peace when by yourself


Active member
First post on here and probally will be posting a lot as my SA doesn't seem to leave me alone. I was shy my whole life and that makes it even more frustrating.

Anyhow, my anxietys have calmed down only because i've been going to church, praying, eating right, excercising, and reading books... but it hasn't changed me into a completly different person.. just helped cope with the symptoms... and i wanted to know if anyone feels the same about the following situation or can relate...

I've been doing better then i've had been in the past when dealing with anxiety but just recently I met someone i grew up with at Target and I literally lost it... he got married recently to attractive wife and I don't mind if it was just him cause he kind of knows i'm bit wierd anyways and wouldn't mind talking about anything to him but I never met this gal and immediately my anxiety symptoms skyrocketed... I was sandwiched... stared at the ground, literally sweating, stuttering, couldn't think straight, and occasionally looked at one of them so i didn't look like a complete idiot. It would have been nice to talk to him cause we went way back and he's only visiting for awhile but since his wife showed (or anyone else for that matter) I wasn't able to talk to him and end it on a good note.. Since i wasn't making much sense when conversating... i had to make an excuse saying that today wasn't a good day cause i've been looking for my brother all day and couldn't find him... to cover my symptoms... they looked at me more wierd but I had to end the conversation and say i have to go because my brother was coming down the aisle.... I get anxious also when i'm between family members and friends in same room .. always been like that.... Anyhow, after the brief encounter (probally 4-5 minute conversation) I literally wanted to pass out and die.... and was in my car garage at target and was thinking i'm never gonna get over this and literally took me day and half to somewhat get over this.... and during that time I was kind of bedridden, unmotivated, and hopless from that 3-4 minute conversation... I kind of freaked out about my future thinking how am i gonna survive 20,30, 40+ sessions of communicating or being put on the spot... it's bit ok if it's random strangers since you won't be seeing them anytime soon but people you know or grow up with is very difficult and embarassing..


Active member
I forgot to point out the subject i wrote at the top... peace with myself...
It seems as though i'm the most relaxed, optimisstic, and happy when i'm by myself... and once i start getting involved with people.. that all gets taken away and feel i have to refocus, remeditate, and have time away for myself to get back into that balance.....


Active member
This happens to me too sometimes. A little thing can bother me for hours or days and suck all other feelings out of me so I feel nothing but anxiety. I can't enjoy the things I like. Unless I drink, but I usually wake up feeling even worse.

I am definately more comfortable by myself. I usually just lock my room door and once it's locked I feel relaxed or at least more relaxed. If it isn't locked I get a little anxious about it.


Well-known member
monkeyisland90 said:
I forgot to point out the subject i wrote at the top... peace with myself...
It seems as though i'm the most relaxed, optimisstic, and happy when i'm by myself... and once i start getting involved with people.. that all gets taken away and feel i have to refocus, remeditate, and have time away for myself to get back into that balance.....
Exactly the same with me.