Feeling extremely depressed and lonely


New member
I have been talking with this wonderful girl for like 3 months now. She is a good friend, and we havn't met much. We keep in touch by texting frequently. I suffer from extreme cases of depression and anxiety and had to turn to somebody for succor, hence I got to know her. I am not sure if I am being selfish in not having told her the truth about why I got in touch with her in the first place (we met online). Should I let her know that she is the crutch to my emotional cripple? I am not sure how she will take it. We are not in a very serious relationship, but the thought of losing her is something I definitely can't cope with. I also have OCD, and she does not know this either.


Well-known member
I have been talking with this wonderful girl for like 3 months now. She is a good friend, and we havn't met much. We keep in touch by texting frequently. I suffer from extreme cases of depression and anxiety and had to turn to somebody for succor, hence I got to know her. I am not sure if I am being selfish in not having told her the truth about why I got in touch with her in the first place (we met online). Should I let her know that she is the crutch to my emotional cripple? I am not sure how she will take it. We are not in a very serious relationship, but the thought of losing her is something I definitely can't cope with. I also have OCD, and she does not know this either.

I wouldn't tell her that.. it isn't very charming.
But maybe you shouldn't keep talking with her if she is just an emotional crutch. It isn't very fair to her.
honestly is the best policy but start out letting her know more about you slowly, if you really want to be her friend..
Like telling her you are shy ..and then depressed.. and then you can start to move into more serious problems without too much details and eventually she will get to know you really well.
If she is really a good friend for you she will accept all of it, if she doesn't probably best to not be friends with her anyway. But I wouldn't advise to throw all of this information on her at once.


Well-known member
I agree, I think saying to someone they are a crutch to you is not good.

She must enjoy being friends with you, else she wouldn't bother. Also, I am not sure that saying to someone you really need them will ensure they will always be there as long as do need them, do you?

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yeah keep it to yourself...I thought I could really open up to this one girl and talk about my depression and stuff but she ended up just calling me pathetic :(

So for the girl that's almost my girlfriend that I talk to now I didn't even mention it and I think we both benefit from that


Well-known member
umm - i might go against the grain here - but i'd say - tell her the truth.
maybe - not all the truth at the same time - but like... say a bit and see how she reacts maybe?


see, i have a friend that is EXTREMELY shy and really depressed, and i am really really really glad he did tell me about it.
he was getting more and more withdrawn, and i felt i was really losing him.
but - i sort of... asked him directly, and he told me, and well - i think we both benefited from the truth being out there like that...

in any case - would like to know if you did...

- shadows.


I get around having to tell my SO about my illnesses simply by dating crazy people just like me :) They dont judge cause if they did they would be a hypocrit hehe