feeling better


Well-known member
I know there are a lot of negative threads on this website, so I decided to post something positive. I definitely have social anxiety. I constantly worry that what I'm saying is stupid, awkward, or creepy. But things have gotten better. I'm definitely more sociable at parties and I even managed to introduce myself to and talk to some girls for awhile at a party last sunday, although I was kind of drunk at the time. I've been talking public speaking at school because I thought it would help me get over my anxiety, at least public speaking anxiety. Halfway though the speech I remember feeling that I wasn't nearly as anxious during the speech as I had been while giving speeches earlier in the semester. I even feel like people respond to me more positively when I approach them, probably because I am happier and more chatty. But I definitely still worry, and it seems like I still do awkward things. But even if I'm not awkward, a little humility is always a good thing. Anways, I guess what I've been doing that has helped me improve is that I found a therapist I really like and I just keep challenging my shyness. And having one really good friend who always tells me not to sweat the small stuff whenever i get worried, has really helped. I definitely have a long way to go but I think even other people think I'm making progress.
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Good to know that. I'm also trying to relax and enjoy my slice of life. Not trying to be a perfectionist helps me to slow down and not stress out. The hardest part for me is getting rid of that rigidity that I cannot reveal my feelings, weaknesses, or simply goof around, or else others will ridicule me, but I'm trying to be more natural, more spontaneous, and less "precise" if you will.

secretly awesome

Well-known member
Nice post. It's great that you're coming to these conclusions early in life. You seem like you have a clear head and are on the right path. :)


Well-known member
yeah man. I feel better even though I never thought I would, and even though sometimes I thought I felt better but I really didnt. Where are you in the northwest? I used to live in PDX