feeling and thoughts


Well-known member
what do your intrusive thoughts feel like? does it feel like a thought " what if i do this" or does it feel like an urge like your head is telling you to do whatever.

mine usually don't feel like a thought, more like my head is ordering me to do something.
My intrusive thoughts feel like their commanding me to do something, usually somthing small or menial. My head usually tells me that their will be great consiquences if i don't do this small thing, usually death or somthing similar. I don't know if your intrusive thoughts are like that but it's quite frustrating at times. WIERD I know lol.


New member
mine usually start as a thought, and then it turns into my mind trying to get me to do it, while the other half of my mind is fighting it, worst feeling in the world


Well-known member
It's just paranoia. I've been able to realize the difference between a real urge and an intrusive-hypothetical thought. It's crazy how anxiety can mimic other emotions, and make you think you're changing or wanting something you actually despise.


New member
Sometimes violent dreamlike sequences run through my mind. Like if someone really angers me I'll imagine myself impaling them on the nearest pointy object or if I'm really depressed I'll imagine hurting or maiming myself for some reason. They catch me off guard usually and only last for a second or two. They often can be quite disturbing. Stupid brain!


Well-known member
My thoughts are that I have trouble going about my day if something isn't being done. Like if my possessions are out of order, or things around me aren't symmetrical. I always need everything to be organized and perfect. And it's really uncomfortable if I have no control over this.

Basically, I'm living with the constant feeling that: "I'm forgetting to do something, or something is missing."