Feel shit


Well-known member
Just the way i'm feeling right now; Everyone is getting on my nerves! The people at work are so different to me, they are outgoing while i am quiet and introverted. I can't help but think that everyone hates me because everyone else are laughing and talking, having fun while i'm this quiet guy who has his head down working all day. I just feel that all the world is against me because iof the way i am. I feel so boring because i can't maintain conversations and i feel lifeless and dull. Even my voice has become flat and monotone.

Everyone i know have social lives.


Well-known member
Ah, I know that feeling... I often get it when I'm in a class with no friends around. Everybody else is talking and socialising, helping eachother out, whilst I'm in this little corner separated from everyone else and not making any sort of eye-contact. They all look at me like I'm abnormal whenever I walk into the classroom. Though I don't have a job, I can already imagine what it would be like for me in a workplace environment, it'd feel worse than being at school, I know that. I already have like a hiding place between lesson breaks, but what would I do at work, esp during long lunch hours? I don't think I could ever get myself a job, let alone a stable one. Who would wanna employ me? :cry:

Oh yeah, I also have a monotonous, dull, uninteresting, flat voice. I hate the sound of it.


Well-known member
Life gets you down at times more so if you suffer from social anxiety it may make you dull, feel useless and at times feel hated. The thing is you know in yourself that you a nice, polite and loving person. You may feel dull but you know that's not who you are inside, you have your own goals and interests. You have your own personality that is unique and whoever you are and what you may think you are like, people are going to be interested to get to know you. You've experienced happiness and companionship before in your life there is nothing stopping you from experiencing it again. The key is to find something that you can devote yourself and be proud of, something that represents and gives the opportunity to express who you are. This is something no-one can take away from you. The differences that you have from other people are going to be your ability to empathise and this part of your life is only going to make you a stronger, more understanding person. Your time is far from over so forget about the negatives and start thinking straight as it's your life and you have control over it.