fed up w/people in general


Well-known member
Perhaps it's just me, but lately I am so fed up with people ... not just my family but I feel like I have no patience for anyone.

I am not without faults, and one problem I know I DO have is that I don't say what is on my mind, I get inward-angry and then that just makes me even more mad....vicious cycle. lol

Also, as of late, it is like I am completely upset with a couple members of my immediate family. THEY don't say what's on their mind, however, they seem to be in the 'do as I say, not as I do' mind set and I just want to scream. I have told said family members that they should ____ or need to communicate (who am I to talk) feelings to other person but when comes time, they cower, their body language changes, and then it's "I'm sorry" or "I don't know"....

Regarding people in general, I do get upset and impatient with them, and all this has been since I have been post-menopausal it seems (no excuse,just observation) I can't take the ridiculousness of others. I DEFINITELY have my faults, nor am I of the higher echelon but really...common sense people...and don't get me started on others' driving.

I am working on the 'speaking up for myself' - it's a work in progress

Do you think sometimes this can be exaggerated by SA/depression?


Well-known member
I've been feeling the same way lately. I was reading my friend's comments on FB a few days ago and just had to log off. It's the same types of comments from them all the time, posting things they think will make them look smarter (like how many stupid people they have to deal with) or will make them seem above average like asking why certain people don't stop doing certain things, not seeming to realize they are guilty of the same thing. I want to point out the irony in their words but fear I will come across just as holier than thou as they do.


Well-known member
Could be age. The older I get the less patience I have for people.

And I do believe that people are getting worse, the whole society is. I know that people will always counter that with "oh but people have always been terrible". To which I would counter, "true, but we have never seen such unabashed and widespread narcissism in a society as what we have right now." The technology and resources to support it simply were not there.

Also I notice that people don't seem to be good at communication anymore. There are people I've known for years that used to be very good at communicating and now all they can do is send short texts or emails.
There are no pleasantries either, it's like it's all business.

So what I do now is mirror their behavior. Whatever they do to me I do right back to them. Someone insults me, I insult them right back. Someone snubs me, I snub them back. Someone tries to rip me off, I try to do the same to them.

And that is the thing I have found about dealing with narcissists, they can dish it out but they sure can't take it!
Many times they just fold because narcissism is really weakness. It's all style and no substance.


Well-known member
Could be age. The older I get the less patience I have for people.

And I do believe that people are getting worse, the whole society is. I know that people will always counter that with "oh but people have always been terrible". To which I would counter, "true, but we have never seen such unabashed and widespread narcissism in a society as what we have right now." The technology and resources to support it simply were not there.

Also I notice that people don't seem to be good at communication anymore. There are people I've known for years that used to be very good at communicating and now all they can do is send short texts or emails.
There are no pleasantries either, it's like it's all business.

So what I do now is mirror their behavior. Whatever they do to me I do right back to them. Someone insults me, I insult them right back. Someone snubs me, I snub them back. Someone tries to rip me off, I try to do the same to them.

And that is the thing I have found about dealing with narcissists, they can dish it out but they sure can't take it!
Many times they just fold because narcissism is really weakness. It's all style and no substance.

I recently phoned this couple who I've known for years. They're actually my cousin and his wife. The wife starts in on how I only call them once in a few years. I stopped her short by pointing out that it was true that I very seldom call then asked her how many times have they called me over the past 5 years (they never call). I could tell the thought never crossed their minds that they should actually bother to call me. She finally stammered that they were always busy but my question pretty effectively put an end to her scolding me. Does that count as narcisisstic behavior? She sure seemed to be able to dish out the complaints but couldn't seem to handle it when I turned the tables.


Well-known member
I recently phoned this couple who I've known for years. They're actually my cousin and his wife. The wife starts in on how I only call them once in a few years. I stopped her short by pointing out that it was true that I very seldom call then asked her how many times have they called me over the past 5 years (they never call). I could tell the thought never crossed their minds that they should actually bother to call me. She finally stammered that they were always busy but my question pretty effectively put an end to her scolding me. Does that count as narcisisstic behavior? She sure seemed to be able to dish out the complaints but couldn't seem to handle it when I turned the tables.
Yes, that is narcissistic behavior on their part and you see they don't like it when you give it right back!

It's like they are shocked that someone is actually calling them on their shit.


Well-known member
I've been feeling the same way lately. I was reading my friend's comments on FB a few days ago and just had to log off. It's the same types of comments from them all the time, posting things they think will make them look smarter (like how many stupid people they have to deal with) or will make them seem above average like asking why certain people don't stop doing certain things, not seeming to realize they are guilty of the same thing. I want to point out the irony in their words but fear I will come across just as holier than thou as they do.

YUP! I hear ya. And I am the first to admit I DO have many faults and I am 100 percent sure I get on others' nerves at times. But it just seems my personal intolerance has grown worse over time. I *dislike very much* when one comes across someone trying to act smart by grousing about others annoyances just for me to sit back and think to myself, "hmm...yeah, YOU do the same da*n thing" But, like you, I tend not to call people out on it as much as I would LOVE to .... note to self: work on that too :)
PS. Facebook, etc. disgusts me - it's like I feel physically dirty just going on social media, lol


Well-known member
Could be age. The older I get the less patience I have for people.

And I do believe that people are getting worse, the whole society is. I know that people will always counter that with "oh but people have always been terrible". To which I would counter, "true, but we have never seen such unabashed and widespread narcissism in a society as what we have right now." The technology and resources to support it simply were not there.

Also I notice that people don't seem to be good at communication anymore. There are people I've known for years that used to be very good at communicating and now all they can do is send short texts or emails.
There are no pleasantries either, it's like it's all business.

So what I do now is mirror their behavior. Whatever they do to me I do right back to them. Someone insults me, I insult them right back. Someone snubs me, I snub them back. Someone tries to rip me off, I try to do the same to them.

And that is the thing I have found about dealing with narcissists, they can dish it out but they sure can't take it!
Many times they just fold because narcissism is really weakness. It's all style and no substance.

Actually, that is a good idea - to mirror their behavior. I'll have to go thru a few practice runs, and i know quite a few people I'd like to 'mirror'

My sister texted me the other day saying how she is annoyed with me not speaking my mind and telling my brother that I needed help (DMV thing, ugh) and I told her my side of the story which is that I don't want to make my problems anyone else's problems and if I can save the money and be done with my ummm, you know, uh fine...:giggle: but if I see it comes down to crunch time, then I may need assistance but if I can do it on my own, great. That temporarily shut her up but I DID call her out on her discretion in that I told her that there had been several times where she's told me "Don't let (our brother know). She doubted that but I had it in texts. Haven't heard from her in a couple days.

I have observed that communication among the humans has diminished a lot and seems to get worse every day.


Well-known member
I recently phoned this couple who I've known for years. They're actually my cousin and his wife. The wife starts in on how I only call them once in a few years. I stopped her short by pointing out that it was true that I very seldom call then asked her how many times have they called me over the past 5 years (they never call). I could tell the thought never crossed their minds that they should actually bother to call me. She finally stammered that they were always busy but my question pretty effectively put an end to her scolding me. Does that count as narcisisstic behavior? She sure seemed to be able to dish out the complaints but couldn't seem to handle it when I turned the tables.

Oh, I truly understand that one. My grandmother is good at that as well. Pisses me off. And they get so darn mad if you point out the obvious that it is a two way street. Sounds selfish and narcissistic as well. You feel like yelling, "Get over yourself!"


Well-known member
Yes, that is narcissistic behavior on their part and you see they don't like it when you give it right back!

It's like they are shocked that someone is actually calling them on their shit.

There seems to be a growing number of people these days that fall into the category of narcissism/selfishness.


Well-known member
There seems to be a growing number of people these days that fall into the category of narcissism/selfishness.
I think that social media is responsible for most of this. Many close friends I had only care about themselves on FB now. They hardly ever want to chat, they just want to get approval by posting selfies and status about everything they're doing.
Most people want others to like and comment on their new restricted social circles, rather to keep in touch, to chat or hang out like in the good old days.

And I've almost quit posting on forums, about things I enjoy like games or politics, because of so many trolls, narcissism and flamming. It's hard to have a decent civilized talk, regardless of people agreeing with you or not.
And many people just take it personal when you try to bring constructive criticism or realistic thinking to a discussion.
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