fake smile/laugh


Well-known member
does any1 find themselves forcing themselves to smile or laugh @ things even wen dey dont find it funny jus so ppl dont pick on them or ask them why they're so miserable?


Well-known member
well sometimes. If its the boss ill always laugh cos im a arse smudger LOL!

only kidding...at times a fake laugh can help avoid embarrassement for the joke teller so i dont mind doing it.


Well-known member
so many times in my life..i just have to force a smile, but the more i force the more i want to run,hide and cry somewhere alone... :cry:
did i just mention somewhere that i'm scared..oh well..nvr the mind..it's just my mind again.. :oops:


Well-known member
scatmantom said:
only kidding...at times a fake laugh can help avoid embarrassement for the joke teller so i dont mind doing it.

yeah..then i'll feel so stupid..it's almost as though i'm laughing for no reason :?


Well-known member
The fake kind of smile and laugh is the only kind I know. I have no idea what my real smile looks like or what my real laugh sounds like. I do the fake laugh when I want people to know I thought something was funny. Fake smile is for pictures.


Well-known member
Yea, I know people like me when I smile.. but that's not me.
I hate that mask so much.
All the hypocrisy makes me sick.

Smile to be accepted, smile not to cry, laugh because despair..
And smile again to excuse it all..
I wish I could be myself. But then again, I already can't certainly identify myself anyways...
At least when I'm alone I don't have to fake my feelings. Although I don't even know
what my feelings are anymore.. I never know what to say when I'm asked how I feel.
The only thing I'm always sure of is uneasiness and some strange feeling as if
my heart was scraped with a rasp.
I hate to smile when such blackness is planted into my heart..
Makes me feel so miserable.
But somehow it doesn't even matter..


Well-known member
This is a poem i wrote ages ago, its a big negative and not much how i feel now but here it is,


A smile appears for all too see
but hiding behind that smile is the real me
A person who is sad, a person who is lost
a person who is living without a cause

The person i am i dont really know
as i have spent so long putting on a show
to make people happy and think everything is ok
and i dont know how long i can go on living this way

The smile dissapears when no one is around
thats when the real me can be found
i sit there happy, no longer having to pretend
as i know iam another day closer to the end.


Well I find it hard to do a fake smile because I'm so nervous and my face is so tense. In high school I smiled/laughed for real to cope with my SAD and people told me to stop smiling and laughing because I did it too much.
Yeah. Dumb isn't it?

It sort of reflects how the social phobia/anxiety is rooted in a poor view of one's self worth - which in our day and age isn't surprising but is sad all the same. A person ought to have the freedom to be themselves and to laugh or not to laugh....but I find myself in class, when a professor makes a joke, I feel I must laugh too. Or if I am in a conversation, I feel I must smile or laugh so the person doesn't think I am too boring or mundane or something.

Part of the work of overcoming, I think, is working to love and to be oneself. I've had periods of it before and it is very different.


Well-known member
frightened said:
Well I find it hard to do a fake smile because I'm so nervous and my face is so tense. In high school I smiled/laughed for real to cope with my SAD and people told me to stop smiling and laughing because I did it too much.

ditto, that's so true. When i fake smile, which is when i'm nervous, (cause i can usually call up a real one when i'm relaxed), it feels like i'm wrenching my face or something. I think it puts people off cause my eyes are shining with fear while my mouth is twisted in what must have looked like a snear.

It looks so easy for people to smile and glow while they chatter. I'm envious.