facial tension?!


Well-known member
I constantly worry about how my face looks::eek:: It sounds so vile I know , and very embaressing just wondered if anyone else gets this:confused:

The more I worry the worse I look, so i constantly worry about looking worried and the more I do that the more my jaw aches and my forehead aches and the muscles around my mouth ache and when i look in the mirror i look terrible.....I battle with this alot and it really brings me down::eek::::(:


Well-known member
I worry about this constantly. I either look totally blank or it appears like I'm giving someone the "uglies" even when it's completely unintentional(I try to recreate the facial expressions in a mirror at my first convenience afterwards...hahaha). It's the worst when I turn to look at someone at an angle or unexpected or sudden eye contact.

Any luck with this? I was thinking facial exercises might be the way to go, like what actors do to warm up.
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Well-known member
yes,me neither,i always worry about how i look,i always look in mirror or other things when i walk by,lol,and the more i worry,the worse i think i look.when there's people around me,i usually try to hide my face with hood or hat,otherwise i feel so uncomfortable,start sweating,even if they doesnt pay attention to me.