F**k buddy dilemna


I feel really embarrassed that I'm posting this but I have nobody else to talk to about it. I'm in a bad spot emotionally as it is so this situation doesn't really help.

I've known my gay friend A for a couple of years through somebody else, but it's only recently that I've started seeing him outside of my usual friendship group. About a week ago I met his friend J for the first time and I really got on with her. We then went to her friend P's house.

As soon as I saw P I knew we were attracted to each other and we talked all night. Sadly I got the impression that P and J were an item as J mentioned that P gets jealous when she talks about her exes. I really liked him but pushed the idea to the back of my mind. Later A and I went home even though P wanted us to stay the night at his.

On Saturday A, J and I decided we would go on a night out. Out of nowhere P wanted to come too so we all went together. At one point J said that P didn't mind when she kissed other people in front of him, that she wanted to kiss someone that night to make him jealous. I found this really odd but didn't say anything. A also told me he wanted to get J and P together, I said "I thought they were already together?" and A replied, "Not exactly."

By now I was very confused and very drunk too. I was dancing with P when suddenly he leaned in to kiss me (whilst J was in the same room!) - I instantly freaked out and pushed him away. P panicked saying he wasn't coming onto me (even though he was). I then asked him if he was with someone and he told me that J and him were just sleeping together (ie. f**k buddies) and she didn't mind him kissing me. I guess I shouldn't of but I let him kiss me after that.

A quickly dragged me into the toilets with J as I apologised to her, saying I was a terrible person (I was worried P had lied to me). Surprisingly J said that it honestly didn't bother her and that P had asked her if he was allowed to kiss me in advance. Even more confused now, I simply gave up trying to work out the situation and made out with P for most of the night. P kept changing his mind back and forth, asking me to stay the night at his then taking it back saying he wouldn't sleep with me tonight (I don't do one night stands anyway). It was getting way too weird and I was feeling incredibly anxious.

In the end I felt so guilty that I told P he should be with J. He looked really offended and said, "I don't want to be with J." "I think J likes you more than I do," I continued (I have no idea why I said this) and P answered that he didn't want to be in a relationship with her. He seemed really confused and upset and went home with J. I don't know if they shared a taxi together or actually stayed the night with each other though.

I shared a taxi home with A and was so drunk that I threw up, cried uncontrollably and kept yelling that nobody wanted me. Ahem. Basically I have no idea what to do. I was thinking of telling A that I'm still hung up over P but I don't know if that would make the situation worse. I've only met P and J twice but I really don't want to lose them. Please help!


Well-known member
It sounds like P and J have an open relationship or just a FwB one. It's not "together," but it's not exactly nothing either.

Getting involved with someone who's sleeping with someone already can be messy, since you have to worry about whether or not you two will be FwB as well or in a closed relationship, and if you're going to make it serious then you have to trust them to get rid of their FwB and keep it that way - even if they remain friends afterward. It sounds like P and J aren't even handling their FwB well, since they're both getting panicky and confused over what the other one does and who they themselves get involved with.

If you want my advice you shouldn't get sexually or romantically involved with either of them unless you're willing to both keep it casual and navigate any drama. Just tell them that you're sorry, but you don't want to get involved.


Active member
Well, my gosh! It was confusing! You were getting all kinds of strange signals. And more than one of us, I'll wager, have embarrassed ourselves when we got more than a little drunk.
I'd be nonchalant. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. I might say, my god I'll never go out and drink again on an empty stomach! Was that pathetic?! Be casual- it will feel a little awkward at first, but it will pass. You don't have enough data in to know what the heck was going on there. Be kind to yourself. That wasn't that bad! Glad you shared this with us. =)


Well-known member
Wow, complicated indeed! I think J and P needs to sort out their relationship first before they get anyone else involved. Outsiders such as yourself can get hurt. This situation reminds me of the movies "Friends with Benefits" and "No Strings Attached"; the main protagonists (f*** buddies) end up as couples. Just be a little more cautious around J and P. You said you want to keep in touch with them, so maybe get to know them better before doing anything risky.


Well-known member
It's not good to get involved with **** buddies, inevitably, one of them will have feelings for the other one. This happened to me already, and once I made out with someone other than him, my "friends with benefits" got pissed off and deleted said guy off Facebook. He eventually forgave him, but he's a good friend to both of us so it sucked that there was turmoil in our circle of friends. Even if the girl wants it, do it out of respect for the guy. If you intend on keeping him as a friend that is. You'll be the bigger man. I hope I understood your situation well. It was too long, I kind of spaced out but tried to pick up the general meaning of the story.


Thanks everyone. I tried to put it down in a nutshell but I can't get my head around it either. I've never had a 'simple' relationship so I get very paranoid when one does come along. I just wish I hadn't been drunk, I might've thought it through better that way.

I suppose I should keep out of it but I'm so lonely right now and can't get a doctor's appointment until Thursday :/