Extrovert trapped in a social phobes body?


Well-known member
Is anyone here truly happy being alone?

I find myself feeling frustrated at being lonely, as if i yearn to be with people. I used to be truly happy being a loner when i was younger but no i'm frustrated because my low self esteem means i avoid people.


Well-known member
Ugh I know... I thought I was the only one that was like this.

I'm terribly lonely. I wish I could be with loads of people, the center of attention... I dreamed of many careers and things where I would be surrounded by people and communicate with all of them and feel comfortable about it but I simply can't because of social phobia. It makes me want to scream! I really wish there was a magic spell or pill that would make all those feelings disappear.

Edit: Maybe its just wishing I was this way... Seems so much easier to live in the society when you're an extrovert. I'm not sure anymore.
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Well-known member
At the moment I am happier being alone. Only because it is difficult to be with people though. It is frustrating, you want to be able to socialise and be with people, but it is more comfortable and easy to just avoid them.


Well-known member
It drives me crazy sometimes when i isolate myself for many days.Maybe because when i am alone i start making this crazy paranoid thoughts that wouldn't even exist if i was with people.On the other hand i like having my privacy and to spend some time alone with myself doing the things i like.So i wouldn't say that i am happy alone and isolated but i wouldn't be happy if i was this social monster with no private life either!


Well-known member
Is anyone here truly happy being alone?

I am content when I am alone and there is nothing bothering me. I can't say I'm truly happy, because I'm very aware of the consequences that avoidance has on my life.
I know I am certainly happier being alone than not. I do not yearn for people.


Well-known member
I am content when I am alone and there is nothing bothering me. I can't say I'm truly happy, because I'm very aware of the consequences that avoidance has on my life.
I know I am certainly happier being alone than not. I do not yearn for people.
I feel the same way. :)
Is anyone here truly happy being alone?

I find myself feeling frustrated at being lonely, as if i yearn to be with people. I used to be truly happy being a loner when i was younger but no i'm frustrated because my low self esteem means i avoid people.

I'll raise my hand on this one. I really, really badly want to have friends and enjoy life, see the world, etc., but it's frkn impossible due to SA. I have tried though, but it always seems to fizzle out in the end because people either prove themselves to be self-absorbed and inconsiderate, or my SA prevents us from becoming better friends. Blah, it sucks :(