Everybody thinks I'm really self-centered

I really don't know why. I think because of my anger. I try to help people. I often feel like humanity shuts me out or doesn't let me help. I'm desperate for someone to reach out to me. No one. Not even the people that claim they are close to me. No one lets me in. No one lets me help. No one talks to me. No one lets me talk to them. It's so lonely. I sometimes think that I might be forced to become self-centered (if I am) because nobody gives a damn about how I feel. I mean nobody REALLY cares. Nobody is REALLY willing to comfort me or talk to me unless it is to their convenience.


Well-known member
When was the last time you thought of helping someone else and reaching out to them? When was the last time you saw someone that looked lonely and reached out to them? Do you let others in? Do you care about how others feel?

Questions to ponder. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Im just saying that it is really easy to take what is inside ourselves and take the way we see truly ourselves and project it out onto others. That way we are in a position where we feel like we cant be helped and we are at the mercy of other peoples decisions.

My experience has been that when I give people the attention and care I would want for myself, I receive it. When I sit back and demand everything and play the victim, my reality plays out that way. That has just been MY experience though.
sullyS25: I constantly do. I spent an entire half-hour car ride home trying to get my girlfriend to say a single word to me. Trying to get her to talk to me about how she feels about whatever is going on in her life. She won't. And it's not just her. My brother, who for a long time I thought I was very close with, shuts me out too. We used to talk about everything with each other. Sometimes I feel like people won't talk to me because they are hiding something from me. Especially my girlfriend..


Well-known member
Why were you really trying to get her to talk to you? Because you want to be assured that she has nothing to hide from you? Are you genuinely interested in how she is doing or are your motives so YOU can be reassured that she isn't hiding anything from you because I can assure you that there is a difference.


Well-known member
I used to be self-centered but now I'm trying to be more open-minded and understanding. Everyone is self-centered to a certain degree, not just you and me. If you have nobody to open up to, you can vent here. This forum is on 24/7.