Every day is hell for me


Well-known member
Today was the hardest.

I'm in the waiting room of my doctors, and I go to look out the window and see the kid who has made my life hell. He walking into the building and I am contemplating doing something, but i dont cause i know I wouldn't be able to follow through with the suicide.

But look at me.
This kid beat my head in when i was 16 and theres nothing I can do about it. That is the same age where my growth stopped, when the doctor told me I would be 6'2. It's the same age I developed hypogonadism and never finished puberty (how embarrassing). It's the same age I lost whatever friends I had. It's the same age I became suicidial.

So much stress was caused, that had a great impact on me. Theres nothing i can do, but be mocked by god with his threat of eternal damnation if I was to.

This is fucking hell.


Well-known member
I'm sorry that happened to you :(

I don't think there is anything I can say that will make anything better...but don't let a f**king loser like that win and ruin your life...hopefully that kid will get his own back


Firstly, your hypogonadism isnt "you". You are you, the problem is just one of those things. Whether caused, or whether something that just screwed up on the way. You are you and you are special. That flaming idiot is a complete dickbrain. and notworthy of your thoughts, though I appreciate that isn't a helpful statement.

Hypogonadism isnt my field! But are you getting treatment - and I mean decent, SUPPORTIVE assistance that you feel is right for you? There are tablets, gels, patches and jabs which may help.

I am so sorry this has happened to you. Trauma can cause this. But you know this already. But please don't let it rule you. You are precious no matter what happens. I'm afraid I don't believe that what goes around comes around - Ive seen too many assholes walk away smelling of roses to have much faith left in karma, but hang in there. I can't imagine what you are going through, but I'm thinking of you mate. And you ARE NOT a social retard... how about "anuthergr8survivorinprogress"? as an alias :)


Well-known member
Yea, I can't say that these two incidents are directly related. Stress can't completely induce this, but it doesn't help I suppose.