Ever feel like an impostor?

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I feel like an impostor whenever i try homemade bits of exposure. And it seems the people you meet are on the verge of discovering you are an impostor. It is like a hermit crab going around pretending not to be a hermit crab because it is not fashionable to be a hermit crab or there are not many good hermit crab jobs. The hermit crab isnt interested in non hermit crab things, but it has been told that it is not good, not healthy, or not ok to be a hermit crab. Sucks for the hermit crab.

Anyone know the feeling?


Well-known member
Erm, I can't say I totally understand what you mean.
But I think I get the jist of it, Yes I do feel like a bit of an imposter I guess...If we're on the same lines....


Well-known member
Don't sweat. Everyone's an imposter. Do you think the pretty girls wake up looking like that? Do you think the jocks really get as much action as they say they do? You get happy people who are miserable, married people who are secretly gay, people who can't get up in the morning without half a barrel of vodka to get things moving along. And these examples are of so called normal people who frequently make fun of people like us.

So, my friend please don't feel like an imposter just because you are putting yourself out there a little more than you feel comfortable with. you have every right to put on your very best face and show the world what you want it to see.


Well-known member
I completely understand what you mean. On the few occasions I have tried to be "normal," I've just felt so fake & known other people had to know it, too. My therapist even told me that I should make that an everyday occurence: just pretend I'm someone else until that someone else becomes me. But I think it's a horrible thing to say to someone. No one should ever have to change who they are & basically lie through their lives. Pretending to be someone else just isn't for me at all. It doesn't work, & even if it did work, I still wouldn't do it. I wouldn't want to feel fake all the time like that. Having SA is hell & has ruined my life, but at least I'm me & not some pretend, non-existent version of me.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
yeah lyrica, your dead on. I wish there were a treatment that worked with a person's nature rather than against it. Sometimes I wonder if the self esteem problems are not just from the limitations, but from people being told they have to change their personality. That is often implied. of course some people will say its just about adapting and coping. However you paint it, there is something not completely right about the help that is available or the books that are put out. Systematically doing everything you hate is not treatment. I know a lot of optimistic people will disagree with me. but its worth hashing out.